Members Present: V. Hartje, L. Haugen, A. Dippel, T. Stieve, G. Wiegand, L. Gurney, P. Endres
Others Present: K. Beghin, K. Schauf, D. Mielke, T. Brenson
K. Beghin called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m. and compliance with the open meeting laws was verified. Motion by Gurney, second by Dippel to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
History and purpose of capital improvement project team was discussed. The list of all projects and detail sheets were reviewed.
Motion by Wiegand, second by Gurney to amend the Capital Improvements Plan to include $1,750,000 in 2004, and $1,750,000 in 2005 for the communications system. These dollars will not be included in the budget until funding is determined, as actual costs are known, independent of the levy, based on an analysis of the most cost effective option. The motion also includes the $200,000 already allocated for 2003 which will be appropriated for use by the ad hoc Communications Infrastructure Committee for project study and implementation. Motion carried.
Motion by Wiegand, second by Gurney to include Highway road projects in the Capital Improvement Projects plan, to ensure plan completeness and accuracy with the understanding that funding will come from Highway funds and is subject to change. Motion carried.
T. Brenson appeared to discuss Land Records requests. Funding will come from Land Records money. Uses of a digital terrain map were discussed. Importance of the project was highlighted by L. Gurney and G. Wiegand. Motion by Hartje, second by Dippel to approve the Digital Orthophotography and Digital Terrain Model capital improvements. Motion carried.
Health Care Center requests were reviewed. Current facility is in need of renovation if it will be used well into the future. The Health Care Center Committee is in the process of looking for a consultant to determine if they are able to continue operations as they have, and the feasibility of a new facility. Discussed repairs listed on plan. Many items are on the plan due to age of equipment and lack of ability to update or find replacement parts. Options for the facility were discussed. Motion by G. Wiegand, second by Dippel, to amend the footnote to indicate that the listed projects will not be done unless there is an equipment failure, or if it is required by code or inspections to be upgraded. Motion carried.
Discussion then moved to the Solid Waste Landfill projects. Motion by G. Wiegand, second by L. Haugen to approve all three of the Solid Waste projects enumerated in the capital improvements plan: final cover and gas system for phase III, modules 1 and 2 of the current active site, development of a buffer zone around the landfill, and development of a transfer station if current studies determine it is cost effective. Motion carried.
Discussion of highway projects. Motion by G. Wiegand, second by V. Hartje, to approve the stated plan with the inclusion of the five year improvement projects, all of which will be accomplished based on available funding. Motion carried.
T. Stieve presented history and background on the Emergency Management projects. Motion by V. Hartje, second by A. Dippel to approve the $325,000 for the phone system and 911 upgrades in 2004. $200,000 will be a one time only fund balance expense, and $125,000 on the levy for 2004 for software upgrades. These major software upgrades should be done approximately every three years, so future levy requests will be broken out into increments of approximately $45,000 per year beginning in 2005, to be expended every third year. This motion includes approval of the Redstone Lake Dam Break Mitigation Study in 2006 with unknown funding and the Mobile Command Post in 2004 with terrorism grant funding. Motion carried.
Item 23, additional court room and court house remodeling is an unknown as to cost or year in which it will be accomplished. $2,000,000 was inserted into capital costs for 2011.
Motion by Hartje, second by Haugen to adjourn. Motion carried.