Local Directors Committee
DATE: August 14, 2003
Directors/Alternates Present: 11:30 a.m. mtg - County, Corene Ederer-Sklar & Cynthia Engelhardt; Tom Dorner, Lake Delton; Kevin Stieve, Baraboo; Dennis Kluge, Baraboo; Nils Richardson, Spring Green; Bryan Schwarz, North Freedom; Bud Bernhagen, Spring Green; Nicholas Flugaur, Ho-Chunk Nation; Kay Bainbridge, Baraboo Township
Also Present: Larry Reed, Wisconsin Emergency Mgmt
7:00 pm mtg - County, Corene Ederer-Sklar & Cynthia Engelhardt; Gregg Neumaier, Sauk City; Rory Miexelsperger, Town of Franklin; John Ruhland, Plain; Mark Hamm, Kilbourn Fire for City of Wisc Dells; Dave Waffle, Reedsburg; Tim Ploof, Rock Springs; Bill Fuhrman, Loganville
Directors Absent: John Husker, Hillpoint/Lime Ridge, Brian Manion, Prairie du Sac; Matt Anliker, Spring Green; Bob DeMars, Village of West Baraboo; Greg Hahn, LaValle; Steve Peetz, Merrimac; Dean Edgington, Wisconsin Dells; Tim Busse, Merrimac; Joseph Monaco, Merrimac
Meeting called to order by County Emergency Management Director, Corene Sklar in the County EOC Room. Introductions were made by new members.
- State - Larry Reed talked about federal equipment grants. Funds will continue to come in for the next two years with same amount at least for 2004; everyone should be looking over the Authorized Equipment List for their needs (copies distributed). There will be monies going to hospitals and health agencies as well.
- County - Corene explained how our new 7’ x 16’ decon trailer will be equipped. Training will take place on August 21 at 2:00 p.m. at the Highway Dept. We are also buying two 6’ x 10’ decon trailers, to be kept on the west side of the county. It is hoped these trailers will be stored by a fire department; details are being worked out.
- Local - We are required to update certain Annexes of the Emergency Operations Plan, which is to include Annex T (Weapons of Mass Destruction) and Annex H on Health. Annex C on Resources has been redone, which includes a section on Volunteers. Larry Reed urged Directors to read thru this; communities can receive credits during a disaster for the number of hours their volunteers put in.
- 2003 Part II grant - we are asking for a new command post and applied for training on Incident Command. We are requesting a mass casualty trailer. Command boards have been requested for Incident Command use. Decon trailer protocol has been typed up. Mike Peterson of Baraboo Ambulance is working with us on stocking the trailer. Corene Sklar is checking into HAZMAT operational training (about 12-24 hours) and she will be seeking out interested people soon. We are getting 10 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus plus 8 spare tanks. Four (4) of these will be on the big trailer.
Corene Sklar explained difference between the SARA plans and the Annexes everyone has been receiving. The Annexes belong in the County EOP and the SARA plans are Hazardous Material Response plans for specific facilities in each community.
- Status of Local Plans:
- Village of Spring Green - response plans will be finalized soon. They have a new Village President.
- Village of Baraboo - Coming up next month to approve the Town plan.
- City of Baraboo - in the process of moving their EOC. Plan needs to be updated. Newly appointed Deputy Director of the City Emergency Management, Dennis Kluge.
- North Freedom - Director has to locate a new Alternate.
- Village of Lake Delton - trying for a joint emergency management director for the Dells & Delton & they are working on the plan update.
- Township of Spring Green - their plan is in. Bud Bernhagen stated he is available for emergency response.
- Ho-Chunk Nation - they cover 16 counties in Wisconsin and have developed an EOP for Juneau and Sauk to date, which is up for legislative review.
- Village of Plain will be updating all their plans.
- Sauk City is going over their current plans for updating.
- Exercises - Keven Stieve would like to do a county wide tabletop exercise next year. Larry Reed said he would be available.
- Shared Information:
- FEMA course on Livestock in Disaster. If anyone is interested, Corene can share the disks she received.
- Several e-mails from the National Weather Service. Website for space weather www.spaceweather.com; Winter Awareness Week in Wisc is Nov 3-7; Tornado & Severe Weather Awareness will be April 19-23, 2004; count on number of tornadoes in Wisc.
- WEM Digest (if you wish to received issues, please contact Corene at 608 355-4410)
- Reedsburg Police Dept has a new policy & procedure regarding Severe Weather/Disaster Procedures. The City is also looking to develop a water contamination policy.
- Handouts:
- Potential Indicators of Threats Involving WMD & Emergency Actions.
- Arlington County After-Action Report on the Response to the Sept. 11 Attack
- Course recruitment: Emergency Response to Terrorism: Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings: Awareness Level - Sept. 16 at the West Square Bldg.
- Course recruitment: Senior Officials Workshop for WMD/Terrorism Incident Preparedness - Oct 28 & 29. One class in Wausau, one in Milwaukee
- Course recruitment: WMD Radiological/Nuclear Awareness, Train-the-Trainer - Oct 8-9 at Volk Air Field
- Course recruitment: Public Works: Preparing For & Responding to Terrorism/WMD - Oct 28-30 at the West Square Bldg
- OTHER: Tim Steive & Phil Raab are looking at potential tower sites. They are working on the communications aspect. Keven Steive mentioned the new Communications Committee and their effort to resolve current communications problems.
The next meeting of the committee will be on Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 at 8:15 a.m. at the Law Enforcement Community Room. Everyone is welcome.
Corene Sklar attended a tabletop in Necedah involving the Petenwell Dam. Concerns are lack of communications between the Dam management personnnel and Emergency Management in surrounding counties. There is also concern they are not working with local & county law enforcement. The functional exercise is schedule for September 10.
Next meeting will be November 13, 2003. There will be a 10:30 a.m. AND a 7:00 p.m. meeting so members can choose which one to attend.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted: Cynthia Engelhardt