Members present: Bernien, Cassity, Lehman, Wiese, Zowin
UWEX Staff present: Dietmann, Pederson (Southern District Director)
Advisory Members present: Harms, Jaquish, Neuwirth
4-H Senior Leaders present: Melanie Burgi, Ann Vogt Schaller
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 PM by Chair Wiese.
Requirements of the open meeting law were met.
Motion by Cassity, second by Lehman to approve the agenda. Motion approved.
Motion by Cassity, second by Lehman to move into closed session. Roll call vote was taken: Bernien - aye, Cassity - aye, Lehman - aye, Wiese - aye, Zowin - aye. Committee moved into closed session.
Motion by Lehman, second by Wiese to move back into open session. Roll call vote was taken:
Bernien - aye, Cassity - aye, Lehman - aye, Wiese - aye, Zowin - aye. Committee moved into open session.
Motion by Lehman, second by Bernien to offer the job of Sauk County 4-H/Youth Development Agent to Jessica Jens. Motion approved unanimously.
Paul Dietmann, Pam Karg, Frank Friar and Lester Wiese met on April 2 to go over the five (5) applications for this year's Alice in Dairyland scholarships. The names recommended to the Ag & Extension Committee are Rose Reisinger and Rex Meyer.
Motion by Lehman, second by Bernien to offer $250 Alice in Dairyland scholarships to Rose Reisinger and Rex Meyer. Motion approved.
Motion by Bernien, second by Zowin to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Paul Dietmann
DATED: April 10, 2003