DATE: April 24, 2003
Members present: Bernien, Cassity, Lehman, Zowin
UWEX Staff present: Dietmann, Olson
Advisory Members present: Jaquish
The meeting was called to order at 9:32 AM by Co-chair Bernien.
Requirements of the open meeting law were met.
Motion by Zowin, second by Cassity to approve the agenda. Motion approved.
Motion by Cassity, second by Zowin to approve the minutes of the March 21, 2003, regular meeting of the Ag & Extension Committee. Motion approved.
Motion by Cassity, second by Zowin to approve the minutes of the April 8, 2003, special meeting of the Ag & Extension Committee for the 4-H Youth Development Agent interview process. Motion approved.
Motion by Cassity, second by Lehman to approve the March bills in the amount of $1,520.84. Motion approved.
Paul reported that the department is in good shape financially as regards our budgetary spending.
Interviews were held on April 8, 2003, with the Ag & Extension Committee as well as representatives from the 4-H Sr. Leaders Board present. A decision was made and the position was offered to Jessica Jens, which she has verbally accepted. She has been in conversation with Dick Pederson and determined that her Sauk County start date will be May 12, but due to some commitments with Upham Woods, she won't start on the Sauk County payroll until June 1. She will be starting at the upper end of the hiring pay scale.
The department's SWOT analysis was submitted to the County Administrator along with the department's Annual Report. Agents are working on goals, both those achieved for 2003 and new goals to be set for 2004 for the next part of the budget process.
Copies of the Sauk County UWEX Annual Report were provided for the Ag & Extension Committee members to see.
Paul gave a brief overview of the State WACEC meeting that was hosted by Southern District in Madison. Lester took the Silent Auction items down from Sauk County. Lester may add his comments at the next meeting.
Paul gave an updated report on the Sauk County Marketing Club. Last year there were 14 members, this year there are 28 paid voting members. They have broken into three (3) groups to make it easier to work with their investments.
Bill Jaquish: Crops are going in. Alfalfa looks better than anticipated, winter wheat and the winter rye looks good.
Paul informed the committee about Liz Nevers losing her mother. The committee will sign a card to send to her.
The next regular meeting of the Ag & Extension Committee will be held Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at 9:30 AM in the ETN classroom in the West Square Building.
Motion by Cassity, second by Zowin to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 10:35 AM.
Respectfully submitted: Paul Dietmann