Arts, Humanities, Culture & Historic Preservation Committee

Date: February 14, 2003

The regular meeting of the Sauk County Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation Committee was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 1:00 p.m. by Art Carlson.

Members present: Arthur Carlson, Lola Huber, John Bernien, Carol Sorg, Valerie McAuliffe, Dorothy Williams

Members absent: Henry Netzinger

Others present: Kathy Schauf Peter Shrake, Rodney Williams

The minutes of the prior meeting were approved on a motion by Bernien, second by Williams, and an unanimous vote of the Committee. The agenda was approved on a motion by Williams, second by Bernien, and an unanimous vote of the Committee.

Public Appearances/ Public Comment
Jerry Stich gave an update on the Concerts on the Square.

We have received responses from legislators / representatives to invitations sent to in regard to the Regional Arts Summit in Baraboo.

"My Favorite Things", an exhibit by the Sauk County Art Association will be held on the 26th and 27th of this month at the Al. Ringling Theatre.

The NACO application for model programs in the Arts and Historic Preservation categories was mailed, as well as the nomination of the Badger History Group for the Governors Humanities Award.

The committee received mailings on the following: Grant writing classes, Portal Wisconsin Newsletter, Tourism Conference being held in March in Sauk County, WAHPC Newsletter, Americans for the Arts, Opera for the Young, and a listing of publications available through the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Business Items:

Consideration was given to membership in the Wisconsin Foundation for the Arts at a cost of $25. Motion by Williams, second by Huber to decline membership. Motion carried by an unanimous committee vote.

Permission to attend Arts Day 2003 in Madison, cost $25. Motion by Williams, second by Huber to approve attendance by K. Schauf and any committee members interested in attending. Motion carried by an unanimous committee vote.

Consideration of preparing an application for the American Composers Forum. The committee discussed the possibility of applying for this opportunity. Jerry Stich was asked to research the opportunity and report at the March meeting.

Consideration of events for Wisconsin Historic Preservation Week, May 3-11. P. Shrake presented information on a 4th and 5th grade educational Living History Program which would travel to the schools in the county. They will have five stations set-up for demonstrating necessary life skills (washing, writing with a quill pen) etc. The request for $880.00 would cover the cost of period costumes and "props" for staging the hands-on demonstrations. This is a hands-on historical experience. Curriculum to complement the event would be prepared. The plan is to travel to one school this year and add additional schools in subsequent years. The committee will also prepare a Historic Preservation Week poster to be distributed in Sauk County. A sub-committee to oversee this project will be formed. Motion by Williams, second by Huber to go ahead with both of the proposed projects. Motion carried by a unanimous committee vote.

Discussion of results of cultural assessment. The committee discussed the outcomes from the cultural assessment in terms of steps for continuing activities on behalf of the committee. The use of asset mapping to determine the assets of the communities representative of Sauk County was explored.


Regional Summit
Details for this event are being worked out. More specifics will be presented at the next meeting.

Inside the Fence
T his exhibit is currently on display (in part) in the basement of the West Square Building. We will be contacting Mike Mossman regarding the possibility of revolving the pictures displayed and leaving them intact for a period of time.

Grant Process
Panels have been formed and are in the process of setting up meeting dates. These will be distributed to committee members. A total of 22 applications were received, with requests totaling $55,479.27.

Motion by McAuliffe, second by Huber to approve the payment of vouchers in the amount of $28.18. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned on a motion by Bernien, seconded by Carlson, with an unanimous committee vote. Next meeting date was set for 1:00 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2003, in room 213 of the West Square Building.

Respectfully submitted: John Bernien, Secretary