Arts, Humanities, Culture & Historic Preservation Committee

The regular meeting of the Sauk County Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation Committee was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 1:05 p.m. by Dorothy Williams.

Members present: Arthur Carlson, Lola Huber, Carol Sorg, Valerie McAuliffe, Dorothy Williams, John Bernien

Members absent: Henry Netzinger

Others present: Kathy Schauf, Rodney Williams, Allan and Nancy Schmid

The minutes of the prior meeting were approved on a motion by Bernien, second by Sorg, and an unanimous vote of the Committee. The agenda was approved on a motion by McAuliffe, second by Carlson, and an unanimous vote of the Committee.

Public Appearances / Public Comment

Allan and Nancy Schmid reported on the Sun Prairie quilt show. Questioned artist's selected for the Lands' End showing. K. Schauf will research.

Valerie McAuliffe thanked the committee for the grants to the Sauk Prairie area.


A request was made by Rod Stemo regarding the display of art work in the West Square Building. Motion by Carlson, second by McAuliffe allowing for an additional $250.00 be allocated for the purchase of Walker Display components.

We received a notice from the Wisconsin Humanities Council on the winners of the 2003 Governor's Humanities Awards.

There will be three concerts sponsored by the Rural Musicians Forum this weekend in the River Valley Area. Times and locations were reviewed.

The Sauk Prairie Area Historical Society send a letter indicating that they had space available for displays at their local history fair from May 3-11, 2003. Sauk County will not be participating in this event.

There will be a guided tour of the exhibit, "The Quilts of Gee's Bend" at the Milwaukee Art Museum on October 1st. Interested parties can contact the Office of Continuing Education at the Baraboo / Sauk
County Campus.

Valerie McAuliffe distributed the River Arts Ink newsletter. Also, the Ko-Thi Dance Company will be performing at the River Arts Center on April 19, 2003 at 7:30 p.m.

We received mailings from: Circus World Museum, the Perspectives Newsletter from the Wisconsin Humanities Council, the Cultural Assessment from the River Valley Area Arts Consortium, and a letter from Nancy Dillman thanking her supervisor, Paul Endres for the grant award to the Fall Art Tour.

Business Items:

American Composers Forum

Tabled until May meeting.

Annual Report

The annual report was discussed in detail. Valerie McAuliffe asked that statistics on the economic impact of the arts being added.


Regional Summit

Workshops, and speakers have been confirmed. We will begin promoting this event next week. Committee members were asked to help spread the word in their areas. Motion by Sorg, second by Carlson to approve the expenditure of $300.00 to the Al. Ringling Theatre, and $200.00 for Diane Michaels for this event. Motion carried.

Inside the Fence

This exhibit is currently on display (in part) in the basement of the West Square Building. Mike Mossman has agreed to rotating the pictures in the collection.

Historic Preservation Week

Both the poster and the hands-on educational event are moving forward. A press release will be prepared for distribution.

Your Town Recap

Motion by McAuliffe, second by Sorg to approve mileage reimbursement for K. Schauf for attendance at the "Your Town" conference in River Falls.

The committee discussed the Dollars and Sense of Preserving Community Character Video by Ed McMahon. This video focuses on the economic, social, and environmental benefits of preserving community character. It is ideal for sharing the keys to successful communities with local officials, business groups, and civic organizations. Motion by Carlson, second by McAuliffe to purchase the video prepared by the Conservation Congress for $50,00. Motion carried.

Motion by McAuliffe, second by Huber to approve the payment of vouchers in the amount of $44.79 Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned on a motion by Bernien, seconded by Carlson, with an unanimous committee vote. Next meeting date was set for 1:00 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 2003, in Room 213 of the West Square Building.

Respectfully submitted: John Bernien, Secretary