The regular meeting of the Sauk County Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation Committee was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 1:04 p.m. by Dorothy Williams.
Members present: Arthur Carlson, Lola Huber, Carol Sorg, Dorothy Williams, John Bernien, Valerie McAuliffe
Members absent: Henry Netzinger
Others present: Kathy Schauf, Rodney Williams, Larry McCoy, Mark Tully
The minutes of the prior meeting were approved on a motion by Carlson, second by McAuliffe, and an unanimous vote of the Committee. The agenda was approved on a motion by Bernien, second by Huber, and an unanimous vote of the Committee.
N. Schmid updated the committee on the Quilt History Project, in Cedarburg, WI on June 28 and June 29.
D. Williams mentioned the upcoming Concerts on the Square in Witwen.
L. Huber won a writing contest sponsored by LP Nelson, for a story she wrote on Graveyards in Wisconsin.
A presentation ceremony was held in Witwen for the presentation of the bronze Sauk County Historical Register for the Witwen Tabernacle.
C. Sorg reported on the successful Living History Event that was held at East School.
Bob Sorge of the Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra has indicated that the 2004 Concerts on the Square in Madison will be the debut for the orchestrated "Oh Wisconsin, Land of my Dreams".
The Sauk County Art Association Summer Art Classic will be held on Saturday, August 8th from 10:00 a.m. To 4:00 p.m.
Letter of thanks from Donna Nuewirth of the Wormfarm Institute, thanking committee for grant funding.
Discussed initiatives for 2004, and budget restraints. Motion by Carlson, second by McAuliffe to approve the vision, mission and goals as presented. Motion carried by a unanimous committee vote.
M. Tully and Larry McCoy presented the video prepared by the Al. Ringling Theatre Friends. It is anticipated that the video will be shown on Public Television.
This item has been tabled indefinitely.
The Living History day was held at East School and was very successful. Letters from participants were shared with the committee. V. McAuliffe will share them with the County Board.
Posters are being printed and should be ready for distribution by next month.
Motion by McAuliffe, second by Carlson to approve the payment of vouchers in the amount of $520.68 Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned on a motion by Bernien, seconded by Carlson, with an unanimous committee vote. Next meeting date was set for 1:00 p.m. on Friday, July 18, 2003, in Room 213 of the West Square Building.
Respectfully submitted: John Bernien, Secretary