Arts, Humanities, and Historic Preservation Meeting Minutes

The regular meeting of the Sauk County Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation Committee was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 1:00 p.m. by Dorothy Williams.

Members present: Arthur Carlson, Carol Sorg, Dorothy Williams, John Bernien, Valerie McAuliffe

Members absent: Henry Netzinger

Others present: Kathy Schauf, Rodney Williams, Peter Shrake

The minutes of the prior meeting were approved on a motion by Carlson, second by Sorg, and an unanimous vote of the Committee. The agenda was approved on a motion by Bernien, second by McAuliffe, and an unanimous vote of the Committee.

Public Appearances / Public Comment



Annual Report received from the Wisconsin Historical Society

A Final Report from the Midwest Rural Arts Forum was received.

A request for nominations was received from the Wisconsin Trust for Historic Preservation for nomination of the ten most endangered Historic Properties in the state. The information will be forwarded to the Sauk County Historical Society for consideration of nominations.

Business Items:

Consideration of participation in Barn Raising Project.

It was noted that committee participation would be limited to creating a press release making communities in Sauk County aware of the opportunity to submit pictures to this endeavor.

Consideration of support for the Wisconsin Foundation for the Arts.

A request for funding was received. Motion by McAuliffe, second by Sorg to deny this request for funding. Motion carried.

Consideration of request for funding, Circus World Museum.

A request for funding was received. Motion by Sorg, second by McAuliffe to deny this request for funding. Motion carried.

Discussion and consideration of budget disbursement.

Current budget allocations were discussed based on changes by the Finance Committee and County Board. Upon review the allocations were appropriate to mission and goals of the committee.

Consideration of participation in the Wisconsin Humanities Council.

Sponsorship of Humanities Speakers entails that host organizations, fund $100 dollars of the speakers cost. This is a change from previous years where in kind donations of a room, advertising, and refreshments for the event was all that was required. Motion by Sorg, second by Carlson to continue with the program. Motion carried.

Consideration of events for Historic Preservation Week.

Historic Preservation Week 2004 is the week of May 1-9, 2004. Committee members will be prepared to discuss activities for the 2004 celebration. Possible opportunities include, distribution of Historic Preservation posters and Living History Project in the schools.

Consideration of timeline for 2004 grant cycle.

Notification of the grant cycle has been distributed.

Consideration of funding for 100th anniversary of county courthouse.

A request was received from the committee working on the county courthouse celebration requesting funds to be utilized in creating a permanent display in the county courthouse. Motion by Bernien, second by McAuliffe to approve the request for $1,200 for materials. Motion carried.

The committee will also be looking to other organizations interested in participating in this event.

Consideration of web site registry of artists.

Discussion over expansion of existing web site to include a directory highlighting the work of local artist, and another highlighting historic properties in the county. Policy and sight will be developed for review at the next meeting. Motion by Carlson, second by McAuliffe to approve the creation of the website. Motion carried.

Motion by Carlson, second by Bernien to approve vouchers in the amount of $9.58. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned on a motion by Bernien, seconded by Sorg, with an unanimous committee vote. Next meeting date was set for 1:00 p.m. On January 9, 2004, in room 213 of the West Square Building.

Respectfully submitted: John Bernien, Secretary