Board of Supervisors


The adjourned session of the Sauk County Board of Supervisors was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Endres in County Board Room #326 of the West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Baraboo, Wisconsin.

Compliance with the Open Meeting Law was verified.v

Roll call was taken, with all present except Haugen.v

The invocation and pledge of allegiance were given.v

Chair Endres noted Resolution No. 19 -03 by the BARABOO RANGE COMMISSIONand PLANNING, ZONING & LAND RECORDS COMMITTEE Approving Purchase of Development Rights Agreement for the Neil D. And Susan J. Dettwiler Property Pursuant to the Sauk County Baraboo Range Protection Plan, and Ordinance No. 30-03 by the PLANNING, ZONING, AND LAND RECORDS COMMITTEE to Repeal and Recreate the Sauk County Private Sewage System Ordinance (Chapter 25, Sauk County Code of Ordinances), were withdrawn from the agenda by their respective committees.v

Moved by Bychinski, seconded by Lehman, to approve the agenda for today's session, with changes. Motion carried unanimously.v

Moved by Bernien, seconded by Dippel, to approve the minutes of the previous session as mailed. Motion carried unanimously.v


1. Supervisor Burri gave a State Legislative update.v

2. Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator, gave an update on County operations; and announced per rules of the Sauk County Board of Supervisors, the Chairman's Advisory Committee shall meet at least quarterly. An agreed upon time to meet was Wednesday, March 5, 2003, @ 1:00 p.m.v

3. Paul Dietmann, UW-Extension Department Head, addressed the Board regarding the proposed Southern Wisconsin Foreign Trade Zone.v

4. Dave Tremble, Land Preservation Specialist/Planner, Sauk County Planning & Zoning Department, gave an update on proposed Sauk County Preservation Program.

5. Supervisor Carlson, on behalf of members of the Arts, Humanities, Culture & Historic Preservation Committee, gave special recognition to Kathy Schauf, Management Analyst in the office of the Administrative Coordinator, for her work. Citizen Committee members Carol Sorg and Lola Huber presented a commemorative plaque to Ms. Schauf in recognition of her work with the arts, humanities, and historic preservation interests in Sauk County.


Chair Endres gave the public an opportunity to comment, with the following responses:


Chair Endres noted receipt of a letter from Gretchen Schuldt and Robert Trimmier, Co-chairs, Citizens Allied for Sane Highways, regarding a proposed freeway project for the Milwaukee area; and referred same to the Highway Department.

Chair Endres noted receipt of four (4) letters regarding the Sauk County Preservation program, and the Baraboo Range Preservation Program in relation to development rights, and referred same to the Planning & Zoning Department.

Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk, read a thank you note from the family of Lynn Grotophorst, former Sauk County Board Supervisor, for sympathies expressed to them.


Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk, noted of a list of the Emergency Fire Wardens for Sauk County received from John Nielsen, Fire Management Officer for the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, for approval by the Sauk County Board of Supervisors.



Township of:

Township of Baraboo:

Madeline Terry

E10240 Terrytown Rd., Baraboo, Wi 53913

Township of Baraboo:

Harvey Stieve

E10499 Co. Hwy. W, Baraboo, Wi 53913

Townships of Baraboo, Fairfield & Greenfield:

Kevin G. Stieve

135 4th St., Baraboo, Wi 53913

Townships of Baraboo, Fairfield, Greenfield & Pt. Sumpter:

Thomas Clark

135 4th Street, Baraboo, Wi 53913

Townships of Baraboo, Honey Creek, Prairie du Sac, & Sumpter:

Mary Jensen

S7551 Hwy. 12, North Freedom, WI53951

Townships of Baraboo, Sumpter & Greenfield:

Francis Bonham

S5307A Hwy. 113, Baraboo, Wi 53913

Township of Bear Creek & Franklin:

Barry Walsh

S8721 County Road G, Plain, WI 53577

Township of Dellona & Lyndon:

Joe Hovland, (Hovies Trading Post)

Cty. Hwy. H @ Christmas Mt.

Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965


Townships of Dellona & Delton:

Dale Hudzinski

E8537 Co. Hwy. P, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965


Townships of Dellona & Delton:

Eugene Terwall

E9428 Wildflower Dr., Reedsburg, WI 53959


Townships of Dellona & Delton:

Jerry Trumm (Mirror Lake State Park)

E10320 Fern Dell Rd., Baraboo, Wi 53913

Dellona - 608.254.4055

Delton - 608.254.2333

Township of Delton:

Marvin Giebel

S2567 Hastings Rd., Reedsburg, WI 53959


Township of Delton:

Randy D. Winchel, (DRM Corp.)

231 W. Adams St., Lake Delton, WI 53940


Township of Delton

John Mackesey

530 East Lake St., Lake Delton, WI 53940


Township of Excelsior

Rosemarie Lenney

E8315 Hwy. 23/33, Reedsburg, WI 53959

Township of Excelsior

Hilda Harrison

E8824 Hwy. 23, Reedsburg, WI 53959

Township of Fairfield

Harry Jantz

E12450 Co. Hwy. T, Baraboo, Wi 53913

Township of Fairfield

James E. Murphy

S2593 Schepp Rd., Baraboo, Wi 53913

Township of Franklin

Jim Liegel

E1050 Cedar St., Plain, WI 53577

Township of Freedom

Charles Kissack

300 Oak St., Rock Springs, WI 53961

Township of Freedom

Dan/Judy Licht

S6566 Hwy. PF, North Freedom, WI 53951

Township of Greenfield

Stuart Schlender

S4616 Durward Glen Rd., Baraboo, Wi 53913

Township of Honey Creek

Virgil Markert

S8550 Hwy. C. North Freedom, WI 53951

Townships of Honey Creek & Franklin

Donna Sprecher

E7425 Hwy. C, North Freedom, WI 53951

Townships of Ironton & La Valle

Tammy J. McCullick

111 2nd Street, La Valle, WI 53941

Township of La Valle

Connie Hahn

S832 Goldfinch Ct., La Valle, WI 53941

Township of La Valle

Dean Oetzman

S995 Hwy. 58, La Valle, WI 53941

Township of Merrimac

Darwin Nelson

E12513 Inspiration Drive, Merrimac, WI 53561

Township of Merrimac

Roger A. Shanks

S7151 Cemetery Road, Merrimac, WI 53561

Township of Merrimac

Eva Spear

E12375A Spear Dr., Merrimac, WI 53561

Township of Merrimac

William Grieser

235 Davison Dr., Sun Prairie, WI 53590

Township of Merrimac

Lori Lloyd

W12005 Slack Rd., Lodi, WI 53555

Townships of Prairie du Sac, Troy & Honey Creek

Verlin/Mary Zins

E9699 Fuchs Road, Sauk City, WI 53583

Township of Prairie du Sac, Roxbury, & Mazomanie

Dennis Sprecher

Consumers Coop, PO Box 668, Sauk City, WI 53583

Townships of Reedsburg & Winfield

Wilbur P. Abel II

131 South Park Street, Reedsburg 53959

Townships of Reedsburg, Winfield & Excelsior

Donald Lichte

131 South Park Street, Reedsburg, WI 53959

Township of Spring Green

Rolland Spencer

E2784 Mercer Rd., Lone Rock, WI 53556

Townships of Spring Green, Troy & Arena

Harry Vickerman

29350 Whispering Pines, Lone Rock, WI 5355

Townships of Spring Green, Wyoming & Arena

Larry Severtson

445 West Monroe Street, Spring Green, WI 53588

Township of Sumpter

Galen Accola

E10056A Hwy. C, North Freedom, WI 53951

Townships of Troy, Honey Creek & Franklin

John Ederer

E7410A Mill Road, Plain, WI 53577

Township of Troy

George Carpenter

E7975 School Rd., Sauk City, WI 53583

Township of Washington

Dave Schulte

E4148 Hwy. 154, Hillpoint, WI 53937

Township of Washington

Joyce Heubsch

S6683 Hillpoint Rd., Hillpoint, WI 53937

Townships of Washington, Ironton, Reedsburg, Westfield, & Willow

Dan/Marj Willis

115 Minor St., PO Box 19, Lime Ridge, WI 53942

Township of Westfield

Jan Peper

Co-op Country Partners, PO Box 147,

Loganville, WI 53943

Townships of Westfield

Harold Kruse

S6555 Hwy. 23, Loganville, WI 53943

Townships of Winfield, Reedsburg, Ironton, &

La Valle

Randy Winchel

S2348 Hwy. V, Reedsburg, WI 53959

Townships of Woodland, La Valle & Ironton

Joan Whitehurst

DHL Property Owners Assn., La Valle, WI 53941

Moved by Volz, seconded by Stevens, to approve Emergency Fire Warden list for Sauk County. Vote totals: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.



Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk, noted receipt of a Notice of Circumstances Giving Rise to Claim and Claim Pursuant to Wis. Stat. è 893.80 from Joan M. Ploetz, for alleged damages during arrest. Chair Endres referred said claim to the Law Enforcement Committee.



Resolution No. 176-02 by the EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE Expressing Support of the Creation of the South Central Wisconsin Foreign Trade Zone for the Facilitation of Economic Development. Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wenzel. Discussion followed in support of, and in opposition to resolution. Vote totals: AYES: (18) Zowin, Hartje, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (12) Kriegl, Meister, Lehman, Borleske, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Stevens, Schmitz, White, and Netzinger. ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried.



  1. Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk gave a report of Re-Zoning petitions received, per Wisconsin State Statutes 59.69(5)(e)1:


Resolution No. 19 -03 by the BARABOO RANGE COMMISSIONand PLANNING, ZONING & LAND RECORDS COMMITTEE Approving Purchase of Development Rights Agreement for the Neil D. And Susan J. Dettwiler Property Pursuant to the Sauk County Baraboo Range Protection Plan, was withdrawn from the agenda.

Resolution No. 20-03 by the EXECUTIVE & LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE, FINANCE COMMITTEE, LAW ENFORCEMENT & JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, and PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Amending the Hiring Date for Jail Nurse to Facilitate an Earlier Fully Operational Opening Date of September 1, 2003 for the Law Enforcement Center. Moved by Meister, seconded by Carlson. Discussion followed regarding Sauk County Jail opening date, cost of amending hiring date, and liability. Vote totals: AYES: (29) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (1) Lehman. ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 21-03 by the EXECUTIVE & LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE, FINANCE COMMITTEE, LAW ENFORCEMENT & JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, and PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Amending the Hiring Date for Clerk Matrons to Facilitate an Earlier Fully Operational Opening Date of September 1, 2003 for the Law Enforcement Center. Moved by Montgomery, seconded by Zowin. Michelle Koehler, Personnel Director, explained job title changes are subject to union negotiations and collective bargaining, and confirmed that the position is not gender specific. Vote totals: AYES: (27) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (3) Lehman, Lombard, and Stevens. ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 22-03 by the FINANCE COMMITTEEand PERSONNEL COMMITTEE to Authorize the Transfer of Funds from the Contingency Fund to Personnel Department Budget to Complete Employee Survey for the Sauk County Health Care Center. Moved by Stoeckmann, seconded by Meister. Discussion followed regarding unanticipated expenses, necessity of independent survey, and support and opposition to survey. Vote totals: AYES: (28) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, and Endres. NAYES: (2) Burri, and Sprecher. ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried.

Resolution No. 23-03 by the FINANCE COMMITTEEand LAW ENFORCEMENT & JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Authorization to Contract for Replacement of Electrical Generator. Moved by Carlson, seconded by Schmtiz. Vote totals: AYES: (28) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT for this vote: (2) Hartje, and Cassity. ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution No. 24-03 by the HEALTH CARE CENTER COMMITTEE Authorization to Enter into a Contract for the Leasing out of the Pasture at the Sauk County Farm. Moved by Borleske, seconded by Volz. Vote totals: AYES: (29) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT for this vote: (1) Schmitz. ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution No. 25-03 by the HEALTH CARE CENTER COMMITTEE Authorization to Enter into a Contract for the Leasing out of the Barn at the Sauk County Farm. Moved by Borleske, seconded by Williams. Vote totals: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution No. 26-03 by the HEALTH CARE CENTER COMMITTEE Authorization to Enter into a Contract for the Leasing out of the Machine Shed / Barn at the Sauk County Farm. Moved by Bychinski, seconded by Zowin. Vote totals: AYES: (29) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT for this vote: (1) Giebel. ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution No. 27-03 by the PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Authorization to Purchase Networking Option for Color Copier. Moved by Giebel, seconded by Stoeckmann. Vote totals: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution No. 28-03 by the PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Ratifying the 2003-2005 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Sauk County and the Sauk County Highway Employees Union (AFSCME Local No 360). Moved by Schmitz, seconded by Alexander. Discussion followed regarding agreement. Vote totals: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution No. 29-03 by thePERSONNEL COMMITTEE, PROPERTY AND INSURANCE COMMITTEE, and FINANCE COMMITTEE Authorizing the Restructuring of the Department of Emergency Management, Buildings, and Safety, to Include the Creation of One (1.0) FTE Facility Manager and the Retitling of Positions to Reflect Recommendations of the Classification and Compensation Study of Non-Represented Positions. Moved by Dippel, seconded by Hartje. Vote totals: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance No. 30-03 by the PLANNING, ZONING, AND LAND RECORDS COMMITTEE to Repeal and Recreate the Sauk County Private Sewage System Ordinance (Chapter 25, Sauk County Code of Ordinances), was withdrawn from the agenda.

Resolution No. 31-03 by the PLANNING, ZONING, AND LAND RECORDS COMMITTEE Approving the Town of Sumpter Comprehensive Land Use Plan Filed by the Town of Sumpter. Moved by Sprecher, seconded by Wiese. Vote totals: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance No. 32-03 by the PLANNING, ZONING, AND LAND RECORDS COMMITTEE Rezoning of Certain Lands in the Town of Excelsior from a Resource Conservancy 5 Zoning District to a Single Family Residential Zoning District. Filed by Schluter Construction, Inc., Jewell & Assoc. Agent. Moved by Bychinski, seconded by Ashford. Moved by Kriegl, seconded by Stoeckmann, to amend to send ordinance back to Committee for further study. Discussion followed regarding alternatives, liability, and requirements. Moved by Cassity, seconded by Alexander, to call a question. Vote totals on motion to call a question: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.

Vote totals on motion to amend to send ordinance back to Committee for further study: AYES (9) Zowin, Kriegl, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Dippel, Williams, Wenzel, White, and Endres. NAYES: (21) Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Netzinger, Sprecher. ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion to amend failed.

Vote totals on original ordinance: AYES: (22) Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (8) Zowin, Kriegl, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Dippel, Williams, Wenzel, and White. ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried. Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to è 59.69(5)(e)(6), of the Wisconsin State Statutes, February 25, 2003.

Ordinance No. 33-03 by the PLANNING, ZONING, AND LAND RECORDS COMMITTEE Rezoning of Certain Lands in the Town of Excelsior from a Resource Conservancy 5 Zoning District to an Agricultural Zoning District. Filed by Union Pacific Railroad. Moved by Lehman, seconded by Meister. Lance Gurney, Planning & Zoning Director, clarified this is a housekeeping rezone of the existing quarry operation. Vote totals: AYES: (28) Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT for this vote: (2) Zowin, & Kriegl. ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to è 59.69(5)(e)(6), of the Wisconsin State Statutes, February 25, 2003.

Ordinance No. 34-03 by the PLANNING, ZONING, AND LAND RECORDS COMMITTEE Rezoning of Certain Lands in the Town of Dellona from an Agricultural to a Single Family Residential Zoning District. Filed by Ho-Chunk Housing Authority. Moved by Wiese, seconded by Stoeckmann. Vote totals: AYES: (27) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (2) White & Netzinger. ABSENT for this vote: (1) Zowin. ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried. Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to è 59.69(5)(e)(6), of the Wisconsin State Statutes, February 25, 2003.

Resolution No. 35-03 by the TRANSPORTATION AND PARKS COMMITTEE Request to Accept Bid for One (1) 56,000 GVW Tandem Axle Truck from Capital City International, Madison, Wisconsin. Moved by Schmitz, seconded by Stevens. Vote totals: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution No. 36-03 by the TRANSPORTATION AND PARKS COMMITTEE Request to Accept Bid for Two (2) 41,000 GVW Patrol Trucks from Capital City International, Madison, Wisconsin. Moved by Stevens, seconded by Netzinger. Vote totals: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution No. 37-03 by the TRANSPORTATION AND PARKS COMMITTEE Authorizing Purchase of a Replacement Mower for the Parks Department. Moved by Hartje, seconded by Cassity. Vote totals: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.

Chair Endres announced that Neil Buethe, of the New Republic, would be taking a picture of Board members following adjournment of tonight's meeting.

Resolution No. 38-03 by the TRANSPORTATION AND PARKS COMMITTEE Authorizing Purchase of Playground Equipment for Redstone County Park. Moved by Earl, seconded by McAuliffe. Vote totals: AYES: (30) Zowin, Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Haugen. Motion carried unanimously.

Moved by Giebel, seconded by Dippel, to adjourn until 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 18, 2003. Motion carried unanimously.

The County Board adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Original resolutions, ordinances, or other written material pertaining to this meeting of the Sauk County Board of Supervisors, may be viewed at the office of the Sauk County Clerk during the regular office hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday, at the Sauk County West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room #144, Baraboo, Wi 53913.