Call to order: 6:00 p.m.
Verify compliance with the Open Meeting Law.
Roll call: All present except Zowin.
Invocation and pledge of allegiance.
Approve agenda: Moved (Giebel/Carlson).
Motion carried unanimously.
Approve minutes of previous session: Moved (Alexander/Meister).
Motion carried unanimously.
Joan M. Ploetz v. Jennifer Rupert, et al. Sauk County's legal counsel is defending.
Resolution No. 138-03 Approving the Proposed 2004 Budget for Publication. Motion (Cassity/Stevens).
Amendment: Motion (Burri/Netzinger) to restore Register of Deeds ½ time position and 1 Clerk of Courts full time position, levy neutral. Discussion regarding funding, alternate proposals, levy, and revenue.
Amend amendment: Motion (Kriegl/Stoeckmann) to restore Register of Deeds budget. Chad Hendee, Acting Corporation Counsel, ruled this motion out of order.
Discussion regarding funding, levy, alternate proposal, cuts, and revenue. Vote totals on motion to restore Register of Deeds ½ time position and 1 Clerk of Courts full time position, levy neutral: AYES: (20) Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Haugen, Earl, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Alexander, and McAuliffe. NAYES: (10) Kriegl, Meister, Stoeckmann, Ashford, Wiese, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried.
Amendment: Motion (Montgomery/Carlson) to restore $275,000.00 to Sheriff's Department Budget. Discussion regarding population increase, number of tourists, taxes, satellite offices, and transport teams. Sheriff Stammen regarding proposed Budget cuts. Make Hafemann, Jail Security Captain, regarding final jail move to new facility. Vote totals: AYES: (22) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Giebel, Volz, Dippel, Williams, Earl, Ashford, Schmitz, Carson, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, and Sprecher. NAYES: (8) Lehman, Cassity, Lombard, Burri, Haugen, Stevens, Wiese, and Endres. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried.
Amendment: Motion (McAuliffe/Wenzel) to restore $86,000.00 to Library Budget. Discussion regarding MATC and libraries correlation, support, and opposition. Vote totals: AYES: (23) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Dippel, Williams, Earl, Ashford, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, and Sprecher. NAYES: (7) Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Burri, Haugen, Stevens, and Endres. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried.
Amendment: Motion (William/Montgomery) to restore 1 position to Clerk of Courts Budget. Discussion regarding cost of restoring this position, and fine revenue. Vote totals: AYES: (14) Kriegl, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Giebel, Dippel, Williams, Carlson, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, and Sprecher. NAYES: (16) Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Burri, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Wiese, and Endres. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion failed.
Amendment: Motion (Borleske/Stoeckmann) to restore $232,980.00 to the Health Care Center Budget. Discussion in support and opposition to motion. Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator, regarding loss of revenues in relation to General Fund. Vote totals: AYES: (25) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Dippel, Williams, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, and Sprecher. NAYES: (4) Lombard, Burri, Haugen, and Endres. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried.
Amendment: Motion (Sprecher/Hartje) to restore $1,000.00 to Sauk-Prairie Airport. Discussion regarding public and private use, landing fees, opposition and support. Vote totals: AYES: (15) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bernien, Giebel, Williams, Haugen, Earl, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, and Sprecher. NAYES: (15) Lehman, Bychinski, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Burri, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, White, Netzinger, and Endres. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion failed.
Amendment: Motion (White/Stoeckmann) to restore $16,426.00 to Commission On Aging Budget. Discussion regarding newsletters. Vote totals: AYES: (14) Kriegl, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Giebel, Williams, Carlson, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, and Netzinger. NAYES: (16) Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Burri, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Wiese, Sprecher, and Endres. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion failed.
Amendment: Motion (Volz/Giebel) to restore $750.00 to Conservation Congress. Discussion regarding delegate requirements. Vote totals: AYES: (25) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (5) Lehman, Cassity, Burri, Wiese, and Netzinger. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried.
Amendment: Motion (Wenzel/Williams) to restore ½ time position to the District Attorney's Office. Discussion in support and opposition. P. A. Barrett, District Attorney, clarification that position is a Restitution Specialist. Vote totals: AYES: (21) Kriegl, Meister, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Giebel, Dippel, Williams, Earl, Ashford, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, and Sprecher. NAYES: (9) Hartje, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Burri, Haugen, Stevens, Schmitz, and Endres. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried.
Amendment: Motion (Kriegl/Stoeckmann) to restore Receptionist position (1st floor West Square Building) to Personnel Budget. Discussion regarding alternatives. Vote total: (10) Kriegl, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Williams, Earl, Carlson, Alexander, Wenzel, White, and Sprecher. NAYES: (20) Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Burri, Haugen, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Wiese, McAuliffe, Netzinger, and Endres. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion failed.
Amendment: Motion (Kriegl/Stoeckmann) to restore night security to Emergency Management, Buildings & Safety Budget. Discussion regarding alternatives. Vote totals: AYES: (10) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Earl, Schmitz, Carlson, Wenzel, and White. NAYES: (20) Lehman, Borleske, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Haugen, Ashford, Stevens, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion failed.
Motion: (White) to call the question. Vote totals: AYES: (15) Lehman, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Lombard, Burri, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Wiese, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, and Netzinger. NAYES: (15) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Volz, Dippel, Williams, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Alexander, Sprecher, and Endres. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion failed.
Amendment: (Hartje/Alexander) to remove sale of VARC building from Budget. Discussion regarding pros and cons of selling County property, committee review, and tax base. Vote totals: AYES: (27) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, Endres. NAYES: (3) Lehman, Borleske, and Cassity. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried.
Motion: (White) to call the question. Vote totals: AYES: (30) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried unanimously.
Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator, totals after amendments: Budget levy dollars: $22,126,489.00; Levy: $4.89 per $1,000.00
Vote totals on Resolution No. 138-03 Approving Proposed 2004 Budget for Publication, with amendments:. AYES: (25) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Earl, Ashford, Schmitz, Carlson, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (4) Lehman, Burri, Haugen, and Stevens. ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (1) Wiese. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried.
10:30 p.m., motion: (White) to adjourn. No second.
Ordinance No. 139-03 Amending Chapter 37 Sauk County Code of Ordinances Records Retention Ordinance. Motion (McAuliffe/Earl). Chad Hendee, Acting Corporation Counsel, clarification this amendment makes a provision that all contracts over $10,000 or for longer than a year, be filed in the office of the County Clerk. Vote Totals: AYES: (28) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT FOR THIS VOTE: (2) Montgomery and Giebel. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to è 59.02(2), of the Wisconsin State Statutes, October 21, 2003.
Resolution No. 140-03 Authorizing Purchase Tri-Min Systems Land Records Management System. Motion (White/Stoeckmann). Brent Bailey, Register of Deeds, RE: bid. Steve Pate, MIS Coordinator, RE: cost effectiveness of purchase of canned/ supportable system; and clarification cost is for purchase of software license and maintenance. Vote totals: AYES: (30) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 141-03 Rezoning of Certain Lands in the Town of La Valle from a Single-Family Residential Zoning District to an Agriculture Zoning District and filed by Harvey Rieder. Motion (Lehman/Stevens). Discussion regarding how property is taxed. Vote totals: AYES: (27) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (3) Stevens, Schmitz, and Wenzel. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried.
Ordinance effective upon passage pursuant to è 59.69(5)(e)(6), of the Wisconsin State Statutes, September 21, 2003.
Resolution No. 142-03Approving the Highway 12 Corridor Growth Management Plan Per the Implementation Agreement between the State of Wisconsin and Sauk County Regarding the Memorandum of Agreement for US Highway 12. Motion (Alexander/Ashford). Vote totals: AYES: (29) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (1) Netzinger. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried.
Resolution No. 143-03 Authorizing Attendance at Video Arraignment Maintenance Training. Motion (Dippel/Hartje). Vote totals: AYES: (29) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (1) Lehman. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried.
Resolution No. 144-03-03Ordering County Clerk to Issue Tax Deeds on Unredeemed Certificates. Motion (Schmitz/Volz). Vote totals: AYES: (30) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Burri, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (0). ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 145-03 Authorization to Purchase a Two Wheel Drive Truck. Motion (Carlson/Netzinger). Vote totals: AYES: (29) Kriegl, Meister, Hartje, Lehman, Borleske, Stoeckmann, Montgomery, Bychinski, Bernien, Cassity, Giebel, Volz, Lombard, Dippel, Williams, Haugen, Earl, Ashford, Stevens, Schmitz, Carlson, Wiese, Alexander, McAuliffe, Wenzel, White, Netzinger, Sprecher, and Endres. NAYES: (1) Burri. ABSENT: (1) Zowin.
Motion carried.
Motion (Bernien/Lombard) to adjourn until Tuesday, November 11, 2003 @ 6:00 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously.
In accordance with provisions of Wisconsin State Statutes è 59.11, the annual meeting is to be held on the first Tuesday after the second Monday of November.
Adjournment: 10:53 p.m.
Original resolutions, ordinances, or other written material pertaining to this meeting of the Sauk County Board of Supervisors, may be viewed at the office of the Sauk County Clerk during regular office hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday, Sauk County West Square Building, 505 Broadway, Room #144, Baraboo, WI 53913.
Office of the Sauk County Clerk telephone #: 608.355.3286