Communications Infrastructure Committee
DATE: September 3rd, 2003
Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Charles Montgomery, William Wenzel, Donald Stevens
Members Absent: Virgil Hartje
Others Present: Paul Endres, Steve Pate, Tom Dorner, Chip Meister, Jim Pugh, Andy Schultz,
Dena Weinke, Greg Hahn, Kevin Stieve, Gene Wiegand, Tim Stieve, Phil
Raab, Jeff Seering, Leonard Koehnen, Brad Pointon, Wayne Burgess, Michael,Petersen, Donna Troestler, Steve Dubberstein.
- Meeting called to order by Bychinski at 8:15 a.m.. Certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
- Adopt agenda: Motion by Wenzel, second by Stevens to approve agenda. Carried.
- Adopt minutes: Motion by Montgomery, second by Wenzel to approve minutes of last meeting. Carried.
- Licensing issues: Leonard Koehnen referred to page 2 of his report handed out. (copy attached) This noted the various issues with licensing deadlines.
- Business items:
- Review information on tower locations - Tim Stieve and Phil Raab discussed numerous
tower site locations including coverage maps of those sites along with the pros and cons of
the sites. Lengthy discussion followed regarding these sites as well as some potential sites
noted by Leonard Koehnen. No definitive sites were selected and the committee directed
Tim and Phil along with assistance, as needed, from Leonard to formulate a final
recommendation for potential sites for the next meeting of the committee.
Select primary sites and alternates for improvements - Postponed until next meeting.
- Determine how County will obtain property for tower sites - Postponed until next meeting
- Determine where temporary sites will be licensed if process of land acquisition extends beyond FCC deadline - This will be taken care of by Tim, Phil & Leonard.
- Leonard Koehnen to discuss final analysis/costs - Leonard reviewed his report in detail. Budget figures and potential funding sources were discussed. Tim & Leonard will determine if the budget number for 2004 will be changed per request from Gene Wiegand.
- Wireless 911 grants discussion - Tim Stieve along with Dena Weinke discussed the recently passed wireless 9-1-1 legislation and what that means for potential grants down the road.
- Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday October 1st, 2003 at 8:15 a.m. at the Law Enforcement Community Room
- Motion by Montgomery, second by Wenzel to adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted by: Timothy R. Stieve, September 4th, 2003