Executive & Legislative Committee


DATE: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 *AMENDED*
9:00 A.M.
Conference Room - 213
County Board Room *
West Square Building
505 Broadway,
Baraboo, WI



  1. Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
  2. Adopt Agenda.
  3. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting.
  4. Public Comment
  5. Communications.
  6. Consideration of a resolution Expressing Support for the Town of Merrimac's acquisition of Certain properties in the Town of Merrimac for Public Use.
  7. Consideration of a resolution Expressing Support for Senate Bill 15, Creating a Joint Survey Committee on State Mandates and Required Funding of State Mandates.
  8. Consideration of a resolution for attendance of County Board Supervisors at the annual NACo Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  9. Possible closed session pursuant to Wis. Stat. s. 19.85(1)(g), conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which is, or is likely to become involved. Trust land issue.
  10. Reconvene in open session immediately following the closed session.
  11. Discussion and possible action on a resolution urging the State of Wisconsin to support County and Town efforts in opposing additional acquisition of lands in trust.
  12. Presentation by Dave Tremble, Planning and Zoning on the Purchase of Development Rights program.
  13. Les Armbrust, VSO
  14. Tim Stieve,Emergency Management
  15. Bev Mielke, County Clerk
  16. Todd Liebman, Corporation Counsel
  17. Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator
  18. Adjourn

COPIES TO: Endres, Liebman, Montgomery, Haugen, County Clerk,Wenzel, Hartje, Tremble, Sprecher, T. Stieve, Armbrust

DATE NOTICE MAILED: Thursday, April 03, 2003

PREPARED BY: Office of Administrative Coordinator