Members Present: P. Endres, H. Sprecher, W. Wenzel, V. Hartje, and C. Montgomery.
Others Present: G. Wiegand, B. Mielke, C. Hendee, K. Schauf, C. Ederer-Sklar, T. Bychinski, and news media representative.
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Endres at 9:00 A.M. and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was verified.
Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Hartje to approve the agenda for today's meeting, as mailed.
Motion carried.
Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Montgomery to approve the minutes of the October 7 and 21, 2003 meetings, including a correction to the October 7th minutes noting the meeting had been called to order by Chairperson Endres.
Motion carried.
Public Comment:
There was no public comment.
Chairperson Endres noted the following:
Discussion on Payment Approval Process:
Kathy Schauf, Administrative Analyst, presented a report on County payment procedures and joined in a discussion concerning changing the approval process to authorize the County Board Chairperson to sign, on behalf of the County Board, for payment to vendors. Consensus of the Committee was to retain approval with an oversight committee and allow the County Board Chairperson to sign off. An appropriation policy and resolution were also reviewed which dealt with additional clarifications and written policy needed to scrutinize expenses against the budget process. Ms. Schauf will relay the discussion and consensus to the Finance Committee for incorporation in Sauk County's financial policy manual.
Update on Badger:
Chairperson Endres informed Committee members the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) has notified the HoChunk Nation and GSA approval would not be given to transfer any property at Badger which contained improvements.
Copy of a new "footprint" map was distributed and the Chairperson indicated signing an agreement on behalf of the County. Once the Badger agreement has been finalized, Sauk County will need to adopt a resolution authorizing the County Board Chairperson to appoint a member and alternate to an oversight committee. Chair Endres' plan is to appoint a County Board member with the Planning and Zoning Director position serving as alternate.
Board Member Attendance at Committee Meetings:
Chairperson Endres reported keeping track of County Board members who routinely do not attend meetings of committees to which they have been appointed as a member. It was the Chairman's suggestion to draft a policy which would grant the County Board Chairperson authority to remove a committee member who misses three (3) consecutive committee meetings. Discussion followed and it was decided to place this item on the December E&L agenda for further consideration.
Veterans' Service:
In the absence of a representative from the Veterans' Service Office, the Administrative Coordinator presented the monthly list of bills and report for this department. Motion by Hartje, seconded by Sprecher to approve the report and monthly list of bills in the amount of $2,866.68, care of veterans' graves in the amount of $6,834.00, and veterans' service commission relief in an amount of $400.00.
Motion carried.
Emergency Management:
Corrine Ederer-Sklar, Emergency Management Director, presented the monthly report and list of bills for her department. The Continuity of Government Plan and Emergency Powers of the County Board Chairperson were discussed with Committee members. Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Hartje to approve the report and list of bills in an amount of $29,048.53.
Motion carried.
County Clerk:
Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk, presented her monthly report and list of bills for the department. Mielke reported on a recent trip to the Fidlar Election Company headquarters in Moline, Illinois and updates to election equipment. Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Hartje to approve the report and list of bills in an amount of $3,469.89.
Motion carried.
Corporation Counsel:
Acting Corporation Counsel, Chad Hendee, presented the monthly report and list of bills for his department. Attorney Hendee indicated Assistant Corporation Counsel, Wendy Bromley, is planning to return to work following her leave in mid November. Due to the longer absence of Attorney Liebman, efforts are being made to extend the length of service of Attorney Dan Kraus in the office as a Project Attorney. Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Sprecher to approve the report, list of bills in an amount of $1,195.54, and request to attend a CLE seminar in Wausau on November 17th regarding protective service issues.
Motion carried.
Administrative Coordinator:
Administrative Coordinator, Gene Wiegand, presented his monthly report and list of bills. He particularly noted the following items:
Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Hartje to approve the report and list of bills in an amount of $117.03.
Motion carried.
Wiegand reminded Committee members a closed session will need to be included on next month's agenda to deal with the annual review of the Administrative Coordinator position.
Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Sprecher to adjourn and set the next, regular meeting for Tuesday, December 9, 2003 at 9:00 A.M. (note change to the second Tuesday of the month for this meeting).
Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 11:15 A.M.
Respectfully submitted: Beverly J. Mielke Sauk County Clerk/Secretary