Finance Committee

DATE: Tuesday, May 13, 2003
TIME: 8:30 a.m.
Room 213
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI



  1. Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
  2. Adopt Agenda.
  3. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meetings.
  4. Communications.
  5. Business Items.
  6. Consider 2004 budget timeline and review preliminary estimates.
  7. Consider resolution approving an agreement between the office of Sheriff and Sauk County Board of Supervisors to address and hire adequate staffing to provide for the double celling of inmates in unit B of the Sauk County Jail, when jail facilities become fully operational in September, 2003.
  8. Consider resolution approving transition plan for the Corporation Counsel's office to assume children in need of protection and services cases, creating one part time legal secretary position, and abolishing the full time legal secretary position and creating one full time paralegal position.
  9. Consider resolution authorizing restructure within the Sauk County Land Conservation Department to accommodate reduction in staff level.
  10. Consider appropriating additional parkland development funds to complete installation of playground equipment at Redstone Beach.
  11. Consider resolution amending financial policy 3-95, Use of County Insurance Fund, for change to insurance fund balance.
  12. Consider resolution opposing further limitations on Sauk County's ability to levy necessary taxes, supporting the removal of existing limitations and restoration of shared revenue payments.
  13. Treasurer's Department Update.
  14. Monthly report.
  15. Review department's 2002 annual report.
  16. Review and approval of vouchers.
  17. Accounting Department Update.
  18. Monthly report.
  19. Review department's 2002 annual report.
  20. Discuss the merits of a countywide assessor.
  21. Review and approval of vouchers: Accounting Department and entire County.
  22. Next Meeting.
  23. Adjournment.

COPIES TO: County Clerk, Beghin, Schauf, Holcomb, Web Liaison, Wiegand, Crowley, Koehler, Pate, Stammen, Hafemann, Liebman, Bromley, Van Berkel,  Koenig, Stieve


PREPARED BY: Accounting Department