Finance Committee

DATE: Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Members Present: A. Dippel, T. Bychinski, L. Burri, L. Haugen, T. Kriegl

Members Absent: none

Others Present: P. Holcomb, K. Schauf, J. Crowley, M. Koehler, M. Hafemann, Randy Stammen, H. Messer, J. Schmitz, M. Koehler, L Gurney

Chairman Dippel called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and compliance with the open meeting law was verified. Motion by Bychinski, second by Burri to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Burri, second by Haugen to approve the minutes from the prior meetings. Motion carried.



Business Items:

Consider resolution to amend the hiring date of critical staff to facilitate an earlier fully-operational opening date of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Center of September 1, 2003.

Sheriff R. Stammen gave a history of the Law Enforcement staffing, opening and operational dates for the facility. Options that were developed by administrative staff per Law Enforcement Committee request were presented to the Finance Committee by Captain M. Hafemann. This resolution was split into two separate resolutions as the original resolutions creating the positions and setting hiring dates were two separate resolutions. No change to budget and no additional levy impact will occur. Funding comes from unspent payroll and unused vehicle maintenance. M. Koehler indicated that it will not impact the opening date and that out of county housing costs could impact the unspent payroll dollars. Motion by Bychinski, second by Burri to approve the resolution amending the hiring date of Clerk Matrons to facilitate an earlier fully-operational opening date of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Center of September 1, 2003. Motion carried on a unanimous vote of the committee. Motion by Bychinski, second by Burri to approve the resolution amending the hiring date of Jail and Occupational Health Nurse to facilitate an earlier fully-operational opening date of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Center of September 1, 2003. Motion carried on a unanimous vote of the committee.

Consider resolution authorizing to contract for replacement of electrical generator.

R. Stammen gave a history of the current generator failure. Discussed problem and means to pay for repairs. Motion by Bychinski, second Burri by to approve the resolution authorizing the contract for replacement of electrical generator at Happy Hill. Motion carried by a unanimous committee vote.

Consider resolution for payment of vehicle allowance to Human Services Director.

This item was pulled and will be brought back in March.

Consider resolution increasing a Public Health Nurse from part-time to full-time.

This item was pulled from the agenda.

Consider transfer of contingency funds for a Health Care Center employee survey.

M. Koehler distributed a proposal for an employee survey for the Health Care Center. The dollar amount will not exceed $7,500. L. Burri noted that this motion does not set a precedent for the transfer of contingency funds outside the budget process. Motion by Bychinski, second by Kriegl to approve the transfer of contingency funds to conduct a confidential employee survey at the Health Care Center. Motion carried with a no vote by L. Burri.

Consider resolution authorizing loan to the Tri-County Airport for construction of a new hangar (for March County Board action).

J. Schmitz presented information to the committee on the construction of a new hangar at Tri-County. The proposal is for the county to loan to the airport money for hangar construction. Motion by Burri, second by Bychinski to change the loan term from 10 years to 15 years, and approve the resolution authorizing a loan to Tri-County Airport for construction of a new hangar at a variable interest rate. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the committee. The resolution will be presented at the March meeting after bids are received.

Consider criteria for payment of 2003 appropriations to outside agencies.

L. Burri indicated that it was his desire to discuss this topic at this meeting. Past practice was discussed, which was to pay all appropriations in full at the start of the year. It was mentioned that the county does have a possible interest in making two payments versus one lump sum. H. Messer appeared to discuss ramifications to the Fair Board. Full payments do not affect the county's cash flow. Motion by Burri, second by Bychinski to pay Fair Board in full. Motion carried by a unanimous committee vote. Motion by Burri, second by Kriegl to send second half of outside agency payments on Friday, and to note to outside agencies that the committee may deviate from past practice in the future. Motion carried by a unanimous committee vote.

Consider payment request from Sauk County Agricultural Society - Fair Board.

Discussion and motion were combined with discussion on 2003 appropriations.

Treasurer's Update

J. Crowley updated the Committee on activities within the department. Motion by Bychinski, second by Kriegl, to approve the payment of the Treasurer's invoices in the amount of $30,488.44. Motion carried on a unanimous committee vote.

Accounting Update

P. Holcomb updated the Committee on activities within the department. Temporary changes to accommodate lack of payroll clerk were mentioned. Budget books were presented and the layout was discussed. Motion by Bychinski, second by Haugen, to approve the payment of Accounting's invoices in the amount of $744,144.43. Motion carried. Motion by Haugen, second by Kriegl, to approve the payment of the County invoices in the amount of $3,968,174.30. Motion carried by a unanimous committee vote.

Next meeting is February 25, 2003, at 5:50 p.m. for the approval of bills. Next regular Finance Committee meeting on March 11, 2003, at 8:30 a.m. Motion by Haugen, second by Bychinski to adjourn. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted:Tom Lee Bychinski, Finance Committee Secretary