Finance Committee

Date: Thursday, October 14, 2003

Members Present: T. Bychinski, L. Burri, L. Haugen, T. Kriegl

Members Absent: A. Dippel

Others Present: K. Beghin, P. Holcomb, J. Crowley, G. Wiegand, K. Schauf, P. Endres, D. Mueller, J. Ashford, A. Lombard, B. Bailey, J. Zipsie, A. Carlson, B. Bridgeford, R. Cassity, Media

Vice-Chairman Haugen called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and compliance with the open meeting law was verified. Motion by Burri, second by Bychinski to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Burri, second by Bychinski to approve the minutes from the prior meetings, including the notation that Kriegl voted in opposition to the budget proposal on September 12, 2003. Motion carried.


Letters from various entities regarding budget issues. T. Bychinski received a letter from the Reedsburg Common Council opposing the reduction in funding to libraries.

Business Items:

Consider reallocation of Parks Department 2003 budget.

Request amendment to 2003 budget to purchase a truck with funds remaining in outlay and $4,100 from another expense account. Motion by Bychinski, second by Kriegl to approve the reallocation of funds for the Parks Department to purchase truck. Motion carried.

Consider recommendation of the 2004 budget to the County Board.

K. Beghin discussed changes to the budget since meeting in September. Reductions in wages and benefits due to no merit increases for non-represented employees and health insurance increased from 15% to 19% were also added. Changes due to MIS replacement schedule are also reflected in the new numbers. Increase in shared revenues by $37,750, an extra $10,000 in computer aid, and $25,147 increase in highway funding. Lastly, the change to premium for property insurance would increase the levy by $2,000. Sheriffs department budget was overcut by $16,000 in field services items.

G. Wiegand advised that additional funds be applied to debt service. Motion by Burri, second by Bychinski to apply the $37,775 in additional shared revenue and $10,000 in computer aid to offset debt service, and the $25,147 in additional highway funding to offset the insurance premium increase of $2,000, $399 in library aid (the difference between budgeted and actual average of last three years), with the remaining $22,748 being added to highway construction. Motion carried, with Kriegl opposed.

Motion by Bychinski, second by Kriegl to restore library funding to the 2003 level. Motion failed on a tie. Kriegl and Bychinski for, Haugen and Burri against.

G. Wiegand asked the committee to consider the dollar amount that the levy would be increased by adding items back into the budget. Discussion ensued over the desirability of changing the original goal.

Motion by Kriegl, second by Bychinski that we change the originally approved goal to allow for an increase of up to fifty cents over the 2003 levy rate (or $5.10 mill rate). Motion failed on a tie. Kriegl and Bychinski in favor, Burri and Haugen opposed.

Discussion over how budget will be handled at the October meeting. The October meeting is to approve the budget for publication. This is the only formal action required of the Board. The question was posed whether or not a resolution is required to discuss the budget at the October meeting. Presenting the budget for publication will allow for discussion of budget changes. Motion by Bychinski, second by Burri, to present the Board with the budget approved in September, with to final dollars over last month and changes as approvsed earlier today. Motion carried. This will allow the goal or the departmental budgets to change at the October Board meeting.

Discussion of County payment policies and procedures.

Changes to procedure and policy for budget monitoring were reviewed. Also discussed a change to payment approval procedures. Proposed change was that the chairman of the Board would approve the payment of invoices. There was concern that it would take authority away from the oversight committees. Process was discussed. Only items on the approved budget can be purchased. Payments are not released unless they are within the budgetary intent and availability of funds. Finance would like the Executive and Legislative Committee to review this. Supporting documentation will be provided to committee members.

Discussion of report of County credit card usage.

An update on the usage of the credit card was given.

Consider request for County credit card for Public Health - Bioterrorism. (Tabled from September 11, 2003)

Motion by Burri, second by Haugen to approve the credit card use by D. Troestler in Bioterrorism unit of Public Health Motion carried.

Possible consideration of resolution regarding state funding of Wisconsin fairs.

It was determined that no action would be taken as the Agriculture and Extension Committee decided to forego action in July on this issue.

Treasurer's Update

J. Crowley updated the Committee on activities within the department. Pool rate was at .9% last month. The Treasurer indicated that the loss of revenue from the proposed changes to interest collected on late taxes would result in a significant amount of revenue loss (SB127). Agricultural use penalty is split with the municipality. Motion by Burri, second by Bychinski, to approve the payment of the Treasurer's invoices in the amount of $8,470.47. Motion carried unanimously.

Accounting Update

K. Beghin updated the Committee on activities within the department. Motion by Bychinski, second by Kriegl, to approve the payment of Accounting's invoices in the amount of $1,897.57. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Bychinski, second by Kriegl, to approve the payment of the County invoices in the amount of $2,591,830.02. Motion carried unanimously.

Next meeting is October 21, 2003, at 5:50 p.m. for the approval of bills. Next regular Finance Committee meeting is on November 4, 2003, at 8:30 a.m. Motion by Burri, second by Kriegl to adjourn. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted: Tommy Lee Bychinski,
Finance Committee Secretary