DATE: Tuesday, December 9, 2003
Members Present: T. Bychinski, L. Burri, L. Haugen, A. Dippel
Members Absent: T. Kriegl
Others Present: K. Beghin, P. Holcomb, J. Crowley, K. Schauf, C. Meister, B. Hinze, J. Prantner, J. Spencer, J. VanBerkel, C. Hendee
Chairman Dippel called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and compliance with the open meeting law was verified. Motion by Haugen, second by Bychinski to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Burri, second by Bychinski to approve the minutes from the prior meeting. Motion carried.
A resolution authorizing Contracting with Keefe and Associates to Conduct Analysis and Assessment of Sauk County Health Care Center will be presented at the meeting prior to the County Board meeting for consideration.
Multiple accounts will be utilized to pay off the copier and fax leases in the Sheriffs department, saving about $6,000 over the lives of the leases. Money will be transferred out of various accounts. If the Sheriff's Department should go over budget for 2003 due to this unanticipated expense of approximately $40,000, funds will be transferred from the contingency fund. Motion by Burri, second by Bychinski to approve the payoff of the copier and fax leases, enter into needed maintenance agreements, and transfer funds from various accounts of the 2003 budget. Motion carried.
C. Meister indicated that $64,089 was available in the account. Funds remaining in the account will be utilized for the purchase. The cars were not included in the 2003 budget. Asking that they be allowed to use $53,264 for the purchase of three new vehicles. Motion by Bychinski, second by Burri to approve the purchase of the three cars from existing 2003 funds. Motion carried.
B. Hinze updated the committee on the history for the recovery of costs for issuing permits. Motion by Bychinski, second by Haugen to approve the ordinance change to collect cremation fees. Motion failed with Burri and Haugen opposed.
J. Van Berkel appeared to discuss changes to the Land Conservation program. Left with a program and reduced funding due to changes at the state level. To meet budget guidelines, a farmland preservation fee had been included in the 2004 budget, totaling $25,000. Approvals by various agencies are needed to implement fees, and there is not enough time to correctly implement the fees. Van Berkel would like to eliminate the $25,000 farmland preservation fee from the 2004 budget. This loss of revenue would be offset by an additional $12,519 in grant funds, use of remaining conservation credit ($9,098) and well decommissioning ($3,247) funds which will not be needed as these programs are ending, and cutting $136 in educational supplies. Levy request will not change, just reallocating dollars. Motion by Burri, second by Haugen to approve the reallocation of budget dollars within the Land Conservation Department. Motion carried.
Discussion of resolution creating the position and the contract which defines the agreement between Iowa, Richland, and Sauk Counties. Discussion includes language related to making sure Sauk County would not be at risk if either of the other Counties chose not to fund the Airport or the position at the level needed. Motion by Burri, second by Haugen to table this resolution until the next regular meeting. Motion carried.
Terrorism money has been distributed since 2001. This is a request for approval for spending three pass-through grants. Three grants need approval for spending in 2003 and 2004. The first is a planning grant in the amount of $17,587. The second is an equipment grant in the amount of $199,507. The third is a HAZMAT grant in the amount of $4,580. There is no county funding involved. Motion by Burri, second by Bychinski to approve the expenditure of the grant funds and amendment of the budgets. Motion carried.
Discussion of a copy of a resolution from Racine County. Committee expressed a lack of interest in pursuing this topic.
J. Crowley updated the Committee on activities within the department. Motion by Haugen, second by Burri, to approve the payment of the Treasurer's invoices in the amount of $3,803.23. Motion carried unanimously.
K. Beghin updated the Committee on activities within the department. Motion by Bychinski, second by Burri, to approve the payment of Accounting's invoices in the amount of $1,299.24. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Burri, second by Bychinski, to approve the payment of the County invoices in the amount of $2,511,282.52. Motion carried unanimously.
Next meeting is December 16, 2003, at 5:45 p.m. for the approval of bills. Next regular Finance Committee meeting is on January 13, 2003, at 8:30 a.m. Motion by Burri, second by Bychinski to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Finance Committee Secretary