Health Care Center Committee

DATE: Thursday, December 4, 2003
9:00 a.m.
Conference Room
Sauk County HCC
S4555 Hwy CH
Reedsburg, WI 53959



  1. Call to Order and certify compliance with open meeting law
  2. Adopt Agenda
  3. Adopt Minutes of previous meetings
  4. Communications
  5. Discussion and Consideration of purchasing repair services for vertical window blinds in Resident Dining Room - Birdd
  6. Discussion and Consideraton of Resolution requesting upgrade to the Metasys system which controls the facilty HVAC system. - McClary
  7. Discussion and Consideration of requst to purchase a truckmounted salt/sand spreader. - McClary
  8. Discussion and Consideration of request to purchase booster water heater for dishroom. - McClary
  9. Discussion and Possible consideration of bids received from Consultants.
  10. Review and Acceptance of recent donations
  11. Administrator's Report -
  12. Personnel Department Report - Pope
  13. Review and Approval of vouchers/receipts review - Georgeson
  14. Review and Consideration of financial statements - Georgeson
  15. Business Office Report - Georgeson
  16. Next meeting
  17. Adjournment

COPIES TO: County Clerk Carlson Volz McAuliffe Borleske Bychinski Pope Wiegand Archambo Georgeson Birdd McClary

DATE NOTICE MAILED: December 1, 2003

PREPARED BY: Jill M. Archambo, N.H.A Sauk County Health Care Center