Health Care Center Committee
Date: January 3, 2003
PRESENT: Arthur Carlson, Larry Volz, Linda Borleske,
Tom Bychinski, Jill Archambo, (Administrator), Catherine Georgeson,
(Business Office Manager) and Sandy Niemi, (Personnel Manager).
Community members interested in farm bids were present for a portion of
the meeting.
ABSENT: Valerie McAuliffe
- Called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Art Carlson.
The open meeting law requirements were met.
- Motion by Bychinski, second by Borleske to
adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
- Motion by Borleske, second by Volz to approve
the minutes. Motion carried.
- Reading and consideration of sealed bids for pasture land available for a three year lease.
One bid was received from David Allen in the amount of $2,100.00 per year.
Motion by Bychinski, second by Volz to accept
the bid of David Allen in the amount of $2,100.00 per year for rental of
the pasture land for a term of three years. Motion carried.
- Reading and consideration of sealed bids for
cropland available for a three year lease.
The bids were opened and were as follows: LaVerne Marten - $79,961.70; Gordon Hartmann -
$72,046.00; Brent Albers - $68,800.00; David Allen - $60,000.00; Robert
Bergman - $87,300.00
Motion by Volz, second by Bychinski to accept
the bid of Robert Bergman in the amount of $87,300.00 for rental of the
cropland for a term of three years. Motion carried.
- Reading and consideration of sealed bids for
barn available for a three year lease.
One bid was received from
David Allen in the amount of $365.00 per year.
Motion by Borleske, second by Volz to accept the
bid of David Allen in the amount of $365.00 per year for rental of the
barn for a term of three years. Motion carried.
- Reading and consideration of sealed bids for
machine shed/barn available for a three year lease.
One bid was
received from David Allen in the amount of $730.00 per year.
Motion by Borleske, second by Bychinski to
accept the bid of David Allen in the amount of $730.00 per year for
rental of the machine shed/barn available for a three year lease. Motion
- Discussion and consideration of Resolution
commending Marlene Bayna for 27 years of service.
Jill read the
resolution commending Marlene Bayna for years of service.
Motion by Bychinski, second by Borleske to
accept the resolution commending Marlene Bayna for 27 years of service
to the HCC. Motion carried.
- Discussion and consideration of Resolution
commending Mary Tourdot for 29 years of service.
Jill presented the
resolution commending Mary Tourdot for years of service.
Motion by Volz, second by Borleske to accept the
resolution commending Mary Tourdot for 29 years of service to the HCC.
Motion carried.
- Administrator's Report.
Jill reported that
the new FDD Program Director, Debbie Muchow, began her position on
December 26. She replaces Amy Suemnicht in the position. Jill recently
had her annual presentation to the resident council regarding resident
rights. The third step grievance was discussed at last month's Personnel
Committee meeting and was denied. Have received three bids for Pharmacy
services. Will be making a decision shortly. Met with MIS regarding our
Web Site update with hopes of it being online by mid-January. Union
contract negotiations are through; now await final approval of
membership and Personnel Committee. Received a thank you from the
International Crane Foundation for the informative tour which was given
to several Russian visitors. Dr. Victor Vergara, our new Medical
Director, began his duties on October 1.
- Review and Acceptance of Recent Donations.
Jill reviewed the donations received for the month of December.
Motion by Borleske, second by Volz to accept the
donations for the month of December in the amount of $840.00. Motion
- Personnel Department Report.
Sandy reviewed
the status of job vacancies and employee recruitment activities that
have occurred over the past month. She also highlighted other general
personnel activities.
- Review of Vouchers and Receipts.
reviewed the invoices and receipts for the month, highlighting items of
Motion by Volz, second by Borleske to approve
the invoices in the amount of $80,975.06. Motion carried.
- Review of Financial Statements.
Catherine reviewed the Financial Statements, highlighting items of interest.
- Business Office Report.
Catherine reviewed the activities of the business office during the last month.
- Establish Future Meeting Dates.
February 6 and March 6 at 9:00 a.m.; April 3 at 8:30 a.m.
Motion by Borleske, second by Volz to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Arthur Carlson, Chairperson