Health Care Center Committee


Date: January 17, 2003

PRESENT: Arthur Carlson, Larry Volz, Linda Borleske, Tom Bychinski, Valerie McAuliffe, Jill Archambo, (Administrator) Paul Endres, County Board Chairman; Todd Liebman, Corporation Counsel; Robert Bergman; Attorney Jim Gerlach; and Laverne Marten were present for a portion of the meeting.

  1. Called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Art Carlson. The open meeting law requirements were met.
  2. Motion by Borleske, second by Volz to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
  3. Motion by Borleske, second by Bychinski to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
  4. Discussion and consideration of Reversal of Cropland 3 year lease award - public comments.

    Todd Liebman, Corp. Counsel gave a brief history of the bidding process for the cropland lease including information on Mr. Marten and Mr. Bergman's credit/financial history. He also explained the guidelines that the HCC Committee must follow. The HCC makes a recommendation in the form of a resolution to accept a bid and the County Board of Supervisors makes the final decision.

    Attorney Gerlach presented information regarding Mr. Bergman's financial/business history and requested that the board reconsider their decision and recommend the bid of Mr. Bergman to the County Board for acceptance.

    Mr. Laverne Marten was present to gather information and informed the committee of his past business practices and financial situation.

    The Committee thanked all present for attending the meeting and presenting information.

  5. Discussion and consideration of a resolution recommending the awarding of cropland bid for a three year lease.

    Motion by Volz, to reverse the acceptance of the bid of LaVerne Marten for the rental of the cropland and accept the original bid of Robert and Janice Bergman - Loganville Crop Service in the amount of $87,300.00. Motion died for lack of a second.

    Motion by Bychinski, second by Borleske to recommend accepting the bid of LaVerne Marten (Justin and Joshua) in the amount of $79,961.70 for rental of the cropland for a term of three years and forward the resolution to the full board. Motion carried by a vote of 4 ayes, 1 nay.

  6. Next Meeting . The next meeting will be February 6th at 9:00 a.m.

    Motion by Borleske, second by McAuliffe to adjourn. Motion carried.

    Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

    Arthur Carlson, Chairperson