Health Care Center Committee

DATE: August 4, 2003

PRESENT: Arthur Carlson; Larry Volz; Linda Borleske; Valerie McAuliffe; Jill Archambo, Administrator; Catherine Georgeson, Business Office Manager; and Katie Pope, Personnel Manager. Linda Kendall was present for a portion of the meeting.

ABSENT: Tom Bychinski

  1. Called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Art Carlson. The open meeting law requirements were met.
  2. Motion by Borleske, second by Volz to adopt the amended agenda. Motion carried.
  3. Motion by Volz second by Borleske to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
  4. Correspondence. A thank you was received from a resident's family thanking the staff for the wonderful care given their mother. Larry also noted that his family is very appreciative of the great care his sister is receiving from this facility.
  5. Discussion and Consideration of allowing a pet to reside at rental property. Jill indicated that Corp. Counsel was consulted and was of the opinion that we should allow the pet to reside at the Kendall's residence. The lease will be amended to state that the Kendall's will be financially responsible for any damages, must have good supervision of the pet and any complaints from staff or the public regarding the pet being lose or threatening will be referred to the Sheriff's Department.
    Motion by Borleske, second by McAuliffe to allow the pet to reside with the Kendall's and amend the lease to cover the above conditions. Motion carried
  6. Discussion and consideration of purchasing patio furniture. Ron discussed the bids received for the patio furniture.
    Motion by McAuliffe, second by Borleske to approve the expenditure to purchase the patio furniture. Motion carried.
  7. Discussion and consideration of Laundry/dryer enclosure project. Bill discussed the project and bids received for the construction of a dryer enclosure.
    Motion by Volz, second by Borleske to approve the expense to purchase supplies to construct the dryer enclosure. Motion carried.
  8. Discussion and Consideration of resolution to purchase a commercial front mower. Bill discussed the bids and trade-in allowance information for the mower.
    Motion by Carlson, second by Volz to approve the expense to purchase a commercial front mower. Motion carried.
  9. Review and consideration of Resolution to purchase Melyx upgrade software and equipment. Catherine explained the need for the upgrade since our system is no longer supported. Purchasing new equipment was looked into and proved to be too costly. The resolution will be presented to the board by the MIS Department.
    Motion by Borleske, second by McAuliffe to approve the resolution to purchase the Melyx upgrade software and equipment. Motion carried.
  10. Discussion and consideration of Resolution supporting federal legislation to change Medicare payment formulas to stop inequities in payments among states. Jill explained the resolution which the counties have been asked to support so that Medicare Nursing Home payments are even across States. Russ Feingold is a cosponsor of the federal legislation.
    Motion by McAuliffe, second by Volz to approve the Resolution supporting federal legislation to change the Medicare payment formulas to stop inequities among states. Motion carried.
  11. Discussion and Consideration of request to further develop Wetland in South Pasture. Jill presented the Wetland Development Agreement between SCHCC and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to undertake additional wildlife habitat development activities in the South Pasture.
    Motion by Borleske, second by McAuliffe to approve the Wetland Development Agreement between SCHCC and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Motion carried.
  12. Discussion and Consideration of 2004 SCHCC Budget Requests. Jill presented the 2004 budget information. She also gave an overview of capital outlay requests. Farm budget information was also distributed.
    Motion by McAuliffe, second by Borleske to approve the 2004 SCHCC Budget Requests as presented. Motion carried.
  13. Discussion and Consideration of request to decertify banked Nursing Home Beds and unbanked FDD unit beds. Jill explained that the bed tax rate will be increasing to $75 per bed per month for the Nursing Home and $445 for FDD on every licensed bed, occupied or not, banked or not. We have 34 Nursing Home banked beds and 2 extra FDD beds which could possibly be decertified thus avoiding the payment. This has to be done before September 1, 2003 however no guidelines for the procedure have been forthcoming. Jill requests that she be given permission to proceed with the decertification as she deems to be in the best interest of SCHCC and as the guidelines become available to meet the September 1 deadline.
    Motion by Borleske, second by McAuliffe to allow Jill to proceed as necessary with the decertification of certain beds when guidelines become available to meet the September 1 deadline. Motion carried.
  14. Review and consideration of recent donations. Jill read the donations received for last month.
    Motion by Borleske, second by Volz to approve the donations for July in the amount of $800.00. Motion carried.
  15. Administrator's report. Jill indicated that our Classic Vehicle Show is this Saturday from 10 - 3. We have added another cat to the facility on 2ES. State Fair Day is tomorrow with cream puffs and staff are allowed to wear their jeans. We had an Italian Day serving pizza and spaghetti to residents and staff. We have been very busy with admissions and discharges which generates a lot of paperwork. Have moved the offices of the ADON and Staff Development Coordinator to the second floor.
  16. Personnel Department Report. Katie reviewed the status of job vacancies and employee recruitment activities that have occurred over the past month. She also highlighted other general personnel activities. We have a new CNA class starting on August 12. Reviewed the Performance Evaluation process with the nursing staff at their meeting. The staff survey results are not complete. The company will be setting up focus groups to further discuss some issues.
  17. Review and Approval of Vouchers/Receipts Review. Catherine reviewed the invoices and receipts for the month, highlighting items of interest.
    Motion by Volz, second by Borleske to approve the invoices in the amount of $105,355.10. Motion carried.
  18. Review and Consideration of Financial Statements. Catherine reviewed the financial statements for the past month highlighting items of interest.
  19. Business Office Report. Catherine has been very busy working on Medicaid audit and the budget. Will be attending training on August 18.
  20. Next Meeting . September 3 and October 2 at 8:30 a.m.; November 6 and December 4 at 9:00 a.m.
    Motion by Borleske, second by Volz to adjourn. Motion carried.
  21. Meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.

Respectfully submitted: Arthur Carlson, Chairperson