Health Care Center Committee

Date: November 19, 2003

PRESENT: Arthur Carlson; Larry Volz; Linda Borleske; Tom Bychinski; Jill Archambo, Administrator; Katie Pope, Personnel Director; Gene Wiegand, Administrative Coordinator; Kerry Beghin, County Controller; Paul Endres, County Board Chairman.

ABSENT: Valerie McAuliffe

  1. Called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Art Carlson. The open meeting law requirements were met.
  2. Motion by Borleske, second by Bychinski to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
  3. Presentation of Requested Consultant proposal from Keefe and Associates. John Keefe and Michael Edwin of Keefe & Associates, Rob Schlicht of Wipfli and Larry Schneider of Plunkett Raysich Architects made the presentation.
  4. Presentation of Requested Consultant proposal from BDO Seidman. Randall Severson of BDO Seidman, Ken Friedman of Innovative Health Associates and Bob Erdmann of Architecture 2000 made the presentation.
  5. Presentation of Requested Consultant proposal from Pathway Health Services, Inc. Steve Biondi of Pathway Health Services and Bob Kogel of Pro Care Alliance made the presentation.
    Board will consider the proposals and further discussion and a possible decision will be made at the next regularly scheduled board meeting on December 4 at 9:00.

Motion by Carlson, second by Borleske to adjourn. Motion carried

Meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted: Arthur Carlson, Chairperson