Jail Building Committee
Members Present: Charles Montgomery, Larry Volz, Virgil Hartje, Kathy Zowin, AI Dippel, Art Carlson, Bill Wenzel, Dorothy Williams
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Tim Stieve, Michael Hafemann, Corene Ederer Sklar, Scott Fettig (DLR), Gene WiegaI!d, Randy Stammen, Fred Coller.
The meeting was called to order by Chair Montgomery with a quorum present. Compliance with the open meeting law was met. Motion by Giebel, second by Dippel to adopt agenda. Carried.
Motiod by Carlson, second by Volz to adopt minutes from last meeting. Carried.
Construction Update:
- a. Stieve noted the completion certification was issued 01/31/03 . DishlerlKraemer would be done either Monday or Tuesday, 2110 or 2111. It is ready for the County to take over.
- b. Change Orders:
Change orders were discussed:
- Additional services for dealing with Tendall.
- assist with pricing and bid receipts for caulking and repainting.
- as built documentation except phone and fire alarm.
- Proposed cost to look at vacated space and analyze.Major discussion followed on number 4. Motion to pay change order #1 , #2, and #3 and place #4 on hold by Giebel, second by Zowin. Carried.
- c. Review Budget
- Fettig handed out a printout of project costs. A discussion was held on the projected costs and issues. The potential refund from Owner Direct Insurance was not reflected in
printout. Five proposed requests were discussed. Montgomery noted the meeting rooms need blinds. Stieve advised this would be taken care of in house.
- d. Discussion of Jail move in dates.
- A lengthy discussion followed on hiring options and how they would affect the startup dates with dates of July, 2003 and September 2003 being mentioned. Current expenditures were discussed, as well as the fact that money had been found to pay for some of the issues. The jail test was also discussed.
Vouchers were discussed. Motion by Dippel second by William to approve. Carried.
Motion to Adjourn until Monday, March 10, 10:30 a.m. in the County EOC Room by
Giebel, second by Montgomery. Carried.
Respectfully submitted: Corene Ederer-Sklar
Date: 2117/03