Jail Building Committee
March 10,2003
Members Present: Charlie Montgomery, Marv Giebel, Art Carlson, AI Dippel, Virjil Hartje, Dorothy Williams, Katherine Zowin, Bill Wenzel
Members not Present: Larry Volz
Others Present: Tim Stieve, Corene Ederer-Sklar, Cynthia Engelhardt, Scott Fettig, Mike
- Meeting called to order by Charlie Montgomery at 10:30 a.m. Certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
- Adopt Agenda: Motion by Giebel, second by Dippel. Carried.
- Adopt minutes of previous meeting: Motion by Dippel, second by Williams. Carried.
- Communications: None at this time
- Construction Update:
- Dispatch Center update. Stieve touched on recent events. Montgomery asked about flag
poles and on shades or blinds. Nothing determined yet.
- Scott Fettig handed and reviewed Project Costs. No approvals needed at this time. Total
funds remaining will be going up; another order just carne in for about $30k. Stieve talked
about electrical changes, cameras and paging system, so there will be a few more bills. The cost of additional tables has been cut in half by Stieve and Dick Mielke installing them.
StiFe talked to WCM about the refund ($200-$300k); they have to get final payroll sheets
which may take a few months. Hartje suggested that the WCM refund be used to fix up our
Communications Center; everyone agreed. No motion on this.
- One more meeting for this Committee will be held, when needed. Stieve to notify members
when final meeting will take place. Montgomery thanked the Committee for the work done.
- Hartje mentioned LaValle's paging system problems. Stieve announced that Phil Raab, new
Communications Technician will start on March 31, and he would be able to fix this.
- Review and Approval of Vouchers: Mohon by Giebel, second by Dippel to pay the bills in the amount of $1 ,240,682.76.
- Motion to Adjourn by Carlson, second by Wenzel.
Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt
Date: March 10, 2003