Jail Building Committee

DATE: March 10,2003

Members Present: Charlie Montgomery, Marv Giebel, Art Carlson, AI Dippel, Virjil Hartje, Dorothy Williams, Katherine Zowin, Bill Wenzel

Members not Present: Larry Volz

Others Present: Tim Stieve, Corene Ederer-Sklar, Cynthia Engelhardt, Scott Fettig, Mike Hafemann

  1. Meeting called to order by Charlie Montgomery at 10:30 a.m. Certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
  2. Adopt Agenda: Motion by Giebel, second by Dippel. Carried.
  3. Adopt minutes of previous meeting: Motion by Dippel, second by Williams. Carried.
  4. Communications: None at this time
  5. Construction Update:
    1. Dispatch Center update. Stieve touched on recent events. Montgomery asked about flag poles and on shades or blinds. Nothing determined yet.
    2. Scott Fettig handed and reviewed Project Costs. No approvals needed at this time. Total funds remaining will be going up; another order just carne in for about $30k. Stieve talked about electrical changes, cameras and paging system, so there will be a few more bills. The cost of additional tables has been cut in half by Stieve and Dick Mielke installing them.
      StiFe talked to WCM about the refund ($200-$300k); they have to get final payroll sheets which may take a few months. Hartje suggested that the WCM refund be used to fix up our Communications Center; everyone agreed. No motion on this.
      • One more meeting for this Committee will be held, when needed. Stieve to notify members when final meeting will take place. Montgomery thanked the Committee for the work done.
      • Hartje mentioned LaValle's paging system problems. Stieve announced that Phil Raab, new Communications Technician will start on March 31, and he would be able to fix this.
  6. Review and Approval of Vouchers: Mohon by Giebel, second by Dippel to pay the bills in the amount of $1 ,240,682.76.
  7. Motion to Adjourn by Carlson, second by Wenzel.

Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt

Date: March 10, 2003