Judiciary Committee

DATE:  Thursday,  February 13, 2003

TIME:  8:00 a.m.

PLACE:  Branch I Jury Room


  1. Call to order and certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law.
  2. Adoption if the Agenda
  3. Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  4. Karyle Johnson to appear to disscuss the following:
    1. Legal Statistics;
    2. Approval of attendance for Tori Vesely and Karyle Johnson at the Spring Training Conference at
    3. the Hotel Mead in Wisconsin Rapids April 10 & 11, 2003;
    4. Performance;
    5. Ho-Chunk Nation income withholding/Tribal child support Agency update;
    6. Special Education Student Work Study Program.
  5. Leo Grill to appear to request attendance at the 2003 Family Law Update on April 1, 2003 in Appleton.
  6. Approval of monthly vouchers.

Notice Posted: Friday February 7, 2003

Agenda Prepared by: Office of the District Attorney

COPIES TO: Montgomery, Williams, Giebel, Wenzel, Carlson, Mielke, Wiegand, Liebman, Koehler, Evenson, Reynolds, Taggart, Grill, Barrett, Mueller, Vinet, Radke, Luck and Johnson