Judiciary Committee
DATE: Thursday, May 8, 2003
TIME: 8:00
PLACE: Branch
I Jury Room
- Call to order and certification
of compliance with Open Meeting Law.
- Adoption of the agenda.
- Adoption of the minutes of the
previous meeting.
- 2003 Annual Report/2004 Budget (S.W.O.T.)
for Family Court Commissioner & Clerk of Court.
- Karyle Johnson to appear to discuss
the Following: a) approval for attendance at the June Directors'
Dialogue in Wisconsin Rapids; b) Approval for attendance at the June
WSSA conference at the Ho-Chunk Hotel & Conference Center in
Baraboo; c) Legal Statistics
- Donna Mueller to attend to request
attendant at the WCCCA Conference June 11 to 13th in
Brookfield. And to discuss the Special Education Student Work Study
- Ruth Steinhorst to attend to request
attendance at the 2003 CLASS A Conference in the Wisconsin Dells on
June 5th and 6th.
- Approval of monthly vouchers.
Notice Posted: Friday May 2, 2003
Agenda Prepared by: Office of the District Attorney
COPIES TO:Montgomery, Williams, Giebel, Wenzel, Carlson, Mielke, Wiegand,
Liebman, Koehler, Evenson, Reynolds, Taggart, Grill, Barrett, Mueller,
Vinet, Radke, Luck and Johnson