Judiciary Commitee

DATE: Thursday January 9, 2002

PLACE: Branch II Jury Room, Historic Courthouse

PRESENT: Williams, Giebel, Montgomery, Carlson, Johnson, and Steinhorst

The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties notified.

Giebel made a motion, second by Carlson to adopt the Agenda. Motion, Carried.

Carlson made a motion, second by Giebel to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting, amending it to read "Child Support's monthly vouchers in the amount of $3,577.17, District Attorney & Victim Witness' monthly vouchers in the amount of $15,848.94. Motion Carried.

Karyle Johnson appeared to discuss problems with collections from Ho-Chunk.

Carlson made a motion, second by Giebel to approve the following monthly vouchers:

Child Support's monthly vouchers in the amount of $3,031.02

District Attorney & Victim Witness' monthly vouchers in the amount of $3,063.54

Circuit Court's monthly vouchers in the amount of $3,356.47

Clerk of Circuit Court's monthly vouchers in the amount of $30,802.62

Register in Probate/Juvenile Clerk in the amount of $2,139.51

Court Commissioner's and Family Court Counseling Mediation in the amount of $785.00. Motion Carried.

Giebel made a motion, second by Williams to adjourn to Thursday February 13, 2003 at 8:00 a.m. in Branch I Jury Room. Motion, Carried.


Submitted by: Arthur Carlson, Secretary