Land Conservation Committee

DATE: Thursday, February 13, 2003
TIME: 9:00 A.M.
County Board Room Gallery-Suite 326B
West Square Building, Baraboo, WI



  1. Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law
  2. Adopt Agenda
  3. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting
  4. Appearances
  5. Training Events
  6. Bills
  7. Correspondence
  8. Reports
  9. Review and Approval of 2002 Wildlife Damage Program Claims
  10. Review and Approval of Operational Agreement with USDA
  11. Review and Approval of Proposed EQIP Project Ranking Sheet
  12. Result of Reclassification Request for Education/Fiscal Coordinator
  13. Schedule Date for Conservation Technician Interviews
  14. Request for Engineering Assistance on Lake Redstone Lot
  15. Possible CLOSED SESSION: Pursuant to Wis. Stat. s. 19.85(1)(e) for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session, specifically to approve relocation payment as a part of White Mound Dam Project. Committee to reconvene in open session immediately following closed session discussion.
  16. Possible Resolution on Relocation Payment as Part of White Mound Dam Rehabilitation

    John Bernien Wildlife Damage Service Albrecht
    Robert Cassity WDS-Peterson Bergstrom
    Robin Craker DATCP-Houtman Van Berkel
    Gerald Lehman DNR-Chalice FSA-Norgard
    Lester Wiese DNR-Ishmael UWEX-Dietmann
    Kathy Zowin Renewal-Tollaksen Forester-Livingston/Stearns
    County Clerk Sen. Kohl-Kates NRCS-Brereton

    DATE NOTICE MAILED: February 7, 2003

    PREPARED BY: Land Conservation Department