Land Conservation Commitee

DATE: April 9, 2003
Conference Room 213
West Square Building

Meeting called to order by Vice-Chair Bernien at 9:00 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Bernien, Cassity, and Craker from the Committee; Stearns-DNR; Brereton-NRCS; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD. Wiese and Lehman were absent.

Adopt Agenda: Motion by Zowin/Cassity to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.

Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting: Motion by Cassity/Zowin to adopt the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried, all in favor.

Appearances: There were none.

Training events: Motion by Cassity/Zowin to approve the list of training events with changes to April dates. Motion carried, all in favor.

Bills: Bill summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Zowin/Cassity to approve bills in the amount of $19,159.33. Motion carried, all in favor.

Correspondence: Van Berkel distributed copies of the latest Thursday Notes.

Van Berkel received a request to pay fees to the Standards Oversight Council. This a joint group which receives assistance from NRCS, DATCP, DNR, and the counties. They establish teams to update and maintain the standards for all conservation practices that counties design and install. Counties use these standards daily. Last year we paid $350, and it was included as a budgeted expense this year. Committee supported the payment of these fees.

Van Berkel received a request from several Lake Redstone residents for support to pave an easement road on Meadowlark and Martin Grove. This is a steep area where the road descends to Lake Redstone. The LCC decided not to take any action because these type of decisions are local town issues. Van Berkel has offered LCD assistance to address the erosion issue. Bernien stated that this request has not yet come before the Redstone Committee he serves on.

Van Berkel stated that a Wildlife Damage Service's representative had called to apologize for not having the 2003 formal budget information yet but explained that it was delayed waiting passage of federal budgets.

Van Berkel has been notified that DNR approved the dam break routing surveys for White Mound Dam and Shanahan Dam which we did last summer. These surveys establish the flood boundaries so we can start implementing protective zoning. We are still awaiting approval on the routing from the third dam located on County N. These surveys verify the high hazard rating. After the zoning is in place and the threatened houses are removed, this hazard rating can be reduced to a low hazard. This corrective action has been on the work agenda for ten years. The available assistance will help us to finally complete this task.

The Southern Area Association's spring meeting is scheduled for May 28 in Verona.

Van Berkel wrote congratulation letters on behalf of the LCC and offered LCD's assistance to the farmers selected for Discovery Farms. The Program does not provide cost sharing but investigates the environmental impacts of projects installed through our watershed programs as well as other farm operations.

Reports: Brereton stated that Wisconsin has not yet received their EQIP allocation. There have been 17 applications received to date, most are for nutrient management. Once the allocation is received, a signup deadline will be set. The Farmland Protection Program has also announced a signup. This is an annual program, included in the Farm Bill, that could match funds provided through the Agricultural Purchase of Development Rights (APDR) Program that Planning and Zoning is developing. Due to this being a new program, Sauk County could stand a good chance of receiving funding if they implement an APDR because there is not a high demand in other counties of Wisconsin as of yet.

Stearns reported that the DNR sold approximately 165,000 trees in Sauk County. This a little less than past years, and statewide sales were down some also. There are about 20 jobs scheduled for the tree planters. Eight site prep spraying jobs are scheduled for the two sprayers.

Stearns discussed the Forest Legacy Program which will have about $1 million available for protection of the Bluffs. The focus area has been identified. This is a 75 percent federal and 25 percent state stewardship fund. The are now developing a rating system to evaluate proposals.

Stearns stated that they are beginning the Managed Forest Law planning season. They need to develop plans for about 4,600 acres for 98 individual landowners

Stearns informed the LCC that there will be five treatment areas in Sauk County for gypsy moths, and this number may increase in the future. Three applications will be done through chemical treatment and two with pheronome flake applications. The type of application is determined by gypsy moth density. Gypsy moths are an introduced exotic with no natural predators and have a high reproduction rate. They can kill the tree when combined with other factors.

Committee members were invited to attended the Sauk County Earth Day Celebration. The LCD spends quite a bit of time on this effort. This year an additional day was added to increase the educational element of the event. Over 1,400 students are scheduled to attend on Friday.

Pohle informed the LCC about the Soil Stewardship Week promotion. This year the theme is "Food for the Future." Approximately 3,000 inserts were distributed to 13 county churches. Also, a few classrooms will receive activity booklets. The total cost for this promotion will be less than $150.

Annual Report: Van Berkel reported on 2002 progress toward goals. For 2003 the LCD and LCC need to do a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. Van Berkel distributed the SWOT analysis developed for the 2003 year and asked for their review and any suggestions for modification. Suggested changes were: under the strength category add a reference to use of technology; under weaknesses drop the lack of enforcement authority, because this was corrected by the passage of the new non-point rules and add a shortage of cost sharing; under opportunities add the number of programs available to offer landowners and the new nonpoint rules; under threats add the move to fewer dairy or livestock operations. No formal action is required by the Committee.

Update on Staff Positions: Van Berkel reported that Jen Stewart was hired as the Conservation Technician to replace Matt Bremer who transferred to Planning and Zoning. Carlton Peterson will move into technical design, and Jen will be trained to be lead contact for signups for CREP.

Van Berkel stated that Pohle's job analysis placement was appealed to the Personnel Committee, but none of the appeals were approved. There is a new job description developed for the position after Karl Hakanson left but the approval of this change had been delayed by the Personnel Committee until the completion of the job analysis study. The study consultant recommended that the position did not belong in this unit. Van Berkel and the Personnel Director will now present a resolution to eliminate the previous position and then create the new Education Fiscal Coordinator position for the May meetings of the Committee, Personnel Committee, Finance Committee and County Board.

Selection of Teacher Scholarship Recipient: Pohle informed the LCC that each year we sponsor two teachers for environmental education scholarships for up to $250 each. This year we only received one application from Elise Patton. She is a fourth grade teacher at the Baraboo GLW Elementary School. Patton would like to attend the Conservation Education Workshop in Manitowoc. Motion by Zowin/Craker to approve Patton for this year's teacher scholarship. Motion carried, all in favor.

Farmland Preservation Agreement - Ryan Richard Richert: Van Berkel informed the LCC that this will be a 25-year agreement on 160 acres in Winfield. Richert has worked with the LCD in the past and has a conservation plan. Motion by Cassity/Craker to approve Richert's agreement. Motion carried, all in favor.

CLOSED SESSION - Pursuant to Wis. Stat. S. 19.85(1)(e) for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchase of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session, specifically to review an offer and consider the approval of a purchase and relocation payment as a part of the White Mound Dam Rehabilitation Project. Motion by Craker/Cassity to move into closed session. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes - Bernien, Cassity, Craker and Zowin, nayes - 0. Absent - Wiese and Lehman.

Immediately following closed session, motion by Cassity/Craker to return to open session. A roll call vote was taken. Ayes - Bernien, Cassity, Craker and Zowin, nayes - 0. Absent - Wiese and Lehman.

Possible Resolution Authorizing Acquisition of Certain Real Property for White Mound Dam Rehabilitation Project: Motion by Craker/Zowin to approve the counteroffer for purchase and relocation payments and to forward the acquisition resolution up to the amount recommended by Meisbauer and Associates to the County Board for review and approval. Motion carried, all in favor.

Motion to adjourn until May 14 at 9:00 a.m. by Cassity/Zowin at 11:10 a.m. Motion carried, all in favor.

Kathy Zowin, Secretary