Land Conservation Commitee

Date: October 8, 2003

Meeting called to order by Chairman Wiese at 9:00 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Wiese, Bernien and Cassity from the Committee; Peterson - WDS; Brad Hinz SCIL; Van Berkel-LCD. Craker and Lehman were absent.

Adopt Agenda: Motion by Cassity/Bernien to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting: Motion by Bernien/Zowin to adopt the minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Appearances: There were none.

Training events: Motion by Zowin/Cassity to approve the list of training events.
Motion carried, all in favor.


Bill summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Bernien/Cassity to approve bills in the amount of $95,155.85.
Motion carried, all in favor.


Van Berkel distributed copies of the latest Thursday Note. He also read a summary of CREP participation in Sauk County and the benefits paid to landowners for their participation.


Van Berkel reported on the possible elimination of the WSB receptionist position and how that would impact some of the work assistance the Department is able to receive from that staff.

Establishment of 2003 Crop Prices:

Peterson outlined the quarterly average values for the crops enrolled in the Wildlife Damage Program. Wiese and Cassity pointed out that the soybean value was low relative to the present price and suggested that amount be increased. Committee agreed the other quarterly values appeared to be adequate. Motion by Cassity/Wiese to approve the following crop prices for 2003 damage assessments: Corn-$2.14/bushel, alfalfa-$113.50/ton, mixed hay-$55.63/ton, oats-$1.56/bushel, soybeans-$6.25/bushel.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Approval of Cooperative Agreement for Wildlife Damage Services:

Peterson outlined the agreement which would renew our cooperative administration of the Wildlife Damage Program with the USDA Wildlife Damage Services (WDS) for the next five years. Van Berkel gave a brief history of county involvement in the program and the benefits of contracting with WDS for this service. Motion by Bernien/Zowin to approve the agreement.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Approval of 2004 Wildlife Damage Budget Agreement:

Peterson presented the 2004 Budget which was unchanged from the earlier proposal distributed. The contract amount has gone down from the 2003 amount. Motion by Cassity/Bernien to approve the agreement.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Possible Resolution to Legislature Regarding Permitting of High Capacity Wells:

Adams County recently passed a resolution asking for environmental impact statements whenever the use of a high capacity well removes water from the ecosystem. They sent copies to the other County Boards asking for their support of this resolution. County Board Chair Endres referred the resolution to the LCC. Van Berkel has researched the issue and recommended the Committee not support the resolution because of the lack of clarity in the phrase "removes water from the ecosystem." He felt this could be interpreted either very strictly or very loosely, both ways would make the proposal ineffective and confusing. He suggested that the Committee table action and look instead at the proposed legislation being developed by the River Alliance in conjunction with the Wisconsin Potato and Vegetable Growers. That legislation is in draft form and will be more defensible and effective. Committee tabled the issue until next month.

Discussion of Proposal for Special Task Force Within State Land Conservation Association:

Van Berkel gave a brief history of the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association and the present situation regarding attendance at meetings and participation in area activities. He also explained his thoughts regarding some of the reasons for this decline in attendance. He then presented a resolution calling on the Association to investigate the creation of special committees or a task force to update the strategic plan for the organization to specifically address some of these concerns. The resolution, if adopted, would then move on to the area association and eventually the state association for consideration and possible adoption and implementation. Motion by Zowin/Cassity to adopt the proposed resolution.
erkel received three bids from qualified contractors ranging from $.75 to $4.00 per square foot. He recommended the Committee select the low bid based in part on the reference of Joe Lally, certified asbestos inspector, that the work would be adequate for compliance. Motion by Cassity/Zowin to accept the low bid of Goldsmith Cleaning Service for removal of the asbestos on the County GG house.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Budget Update:

Finance Committee voted to go along with Wiegand's recommendation that the Conservation Credit Program funding be cut from the proposed 2004 budget. Van Berkel explained that this will result in the 2004 Land Conservation Department budget levy amount being less than the 2003 request. The Committee had agreed to attempt to keep this Program. The proposed budget had made substantial cuts and added new fees to try to retain this important incentive. Despite these efforts and the fact that the Department budget far exceeded the County Board guidelines, the Program was cut. This will make next year's budget efforts even more difficult. Grants will be down in 2005, and there will not be as many possible new revenue sources or available cuts other than staff.

Motion to adjourn until November 13 at 9:00 a.m. by Zowin/Cassity at 11:15 a.m.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Respectfully submitted: Kathy Zowin, Secretary