Law Enforcement Committee
DATE: May 2, 2003
The regular meeting of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Committee was held on Friday, May 2, 2003, at 8:00 A.M., in room D 102A, at the Law Enforcement Center, 1300 Lange
Court, Baraboo, Wisconsin.
The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties were notified.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present: Montgomery, Williams, Giebel, Carlson, Wenzel
R. Stammen, B. Hinze, M. Hafemann, M. Bolz, A. Kirby, G. Wiegand, R. Meister, C. Schreiber, Bob Lee, B.
Manning, Public
- Call To Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law: The meeting was called to
order and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was certified by Chair Charles Montgomery
at 8:00A M.
- Agenda: Motion by Giebel, seconded by Carlson, to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.
- Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s): Motion by Carlson, seconded by Williams,
to approve the minutes of the Law Enforcement Committee meeting held on April 4, 2003.
Motion carried.
- Communications: There were no communications.
- Appearances:
- Presentation of the Officer of the Month Award. Deputy James Hodges was
given the award for the month of April. Hodges was chosen for his actions in saving the life of
the man who suffered a heart attack at the West Baraboo K-Mart. Hodges used the
defibrillator and rescue breathing to restore a pulse and breath to the man, who survived the
heart attack due to Deputy Hodges' actions. Detective Aaron Kirby accepted the award on
behalf of Hodges who wasn't able to attend the meeting.
- Deputy Charles Schreiber addressed the committee in regard to a $500
scholarship that the Wisconsin Professional Police Association, the labor union representing
the Sheriff's Department employees, is awarding to the son or daughter of a member of the
local labor union. Schreiber, the resident of the bargaining unit within the Sheriff's
Deparqnent, said he had received seven essays, which were the entries for the scholarship. He
asked the committee members to review the applications and select the recipient of the
scholarahip. The entries do not have the name of the applicant on them but are assigned a
number only. The committee will make their recommendation at the next meeting.
- Review and Approval of April. 2003. Bills for Coroner and Sheriff'S Department:
- Motion by Giebel, seconded by Carlson, to approve payment of the Coroner's April, 2003,
bills in the amount of $4,474.49. Motion carried.
- The Sheriff informed the committee that the bills were completed after working hours the night before due to the early date set for the May meeting. He hadn't had a chance to review the bills'. The committee was informed that the new squads had arrived and had been paid for. The committee discussed alternate meeting dates beside the first Friday of each month but due
to conflicts for some members with other dates, it was decided that meetings would be set on
a case by case basis each month.
- Motion by Williams, seconded by Carlson, to authorize paying the Sheriff's bills for April in the
amount of $355,255.634. Motion carried
- Consideration and Possible Approval of Open Air Assembly Request for Border Riders Motor Cycle Club:
- Captain Manny Bolz and Lieutenant Richard Meister inspected
the meeting site for the Border Riders assembly, as well as reviewing the application for the open air assembly. Bolz said that everything was in order and the event is a long standing
gatherihg in the county on Memorial Day weekend. He recommended approving the application.
- Motion by Carlson, seconded by Giebel, that the application of the Border Riders for the two day
Memorial Day weekend event be approved. Motion carried.
- Update on Filling Vacant Positions for Court Security Deputies:
- At the meeting in
April, Sheriff Stammen reported that a grievance had been filed by the deputies' labor union
disputing the procedure used to select the second court security deputy. Sheriff Stammen said
it was a new position and a promotion rather than a lateral transfer, which was the position of
the union. He believed he had the authority to select from the eligible applicants for the
position and had made that selection based on interviews conducted by Judge Evenson,
Sergeant William Steinhorst and himself. However, the position of the labor union was that the
appointment should be made from the eligible applicants based only on the seniority of the
bidders The Sheriff's administration at the mediation hearing decided not to dispute the labor
union dn the issue. The decision was made in the interest of saving time and effort and
avoiding delay in the training of the court security deputies. William Schreiner will be the
second ourt security deputy, along with David May who had been previously selected.
- Sheriff Stammen said he expected to have the two additional court security deputies ready to
take ovt r their new duties sometime around May 15 to 18, 2003, and the detectives would not
be moved out of their present location until that time, so they could provide building security
for the Courthouse offices. He anticipated the training would take two weeks and the newpatrol persons are currently in training so they can replace deputies May and Schreiner in the Patrol Division.
- Consideration and Possible Approval of Resolution Identifying: Staffing Needs,
Funding Sources and Authorization to Double Bunk Inmates in the New Jail:
- The committee returned to this issue. Based on projected Sauk County jail population, there will be long term increases in the population which will necessitate double bunking. Wenzel said that if this is going to be a sure thing anyway, why not institute the program while there are vacanti beds that could be sold to outside agencies and generate some income for Sauk County in the interim. The committee agreed that if the beds were rented out to other agencies it
would loffset the expenses for this year's out-of-county housing expenses, which stand at $74,587 at the end of April. Sheriff Stammen told the committee that the transition team,
captain Hafemann and Sergeant Coller had explored thoroughly the needs associated with
double bunking inmates and the additional two jailors for third shift were absolutely necessary.
- Motion by Giebel, seconded by Wenzel, to approved the resolution, Agreement between the
Office of Sheriff and Sauk County Board of Supervisors to Address and Hire Adequate Staffing to Provide for Double Ceffing of inmates in Unit B of the Sauk County Jail, When Jail Facilities Become Fully Operational in September, 2003, and to take the resolution to the Finance Committee, Personnel Committee and the Executive and Legislative Committee at their respective May
meetings. Motion carried.
- Resolution Commending Manny Bolz for Distinguished Service: Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Giebel, to approve the resolution. Motion carried.
- Sheriff's Report:
- Sheriff Stammen did not have an overtime report for the committee.
- He did report paying supervisory overtime in April of 51 hours, those hours including holiday pay, team training and an ERT call out, as well as those working the speed grant.
The electronic monitoring report for April wasn't yet available. On March, 2003, there were 20 inmates on the electronic monitoring programs, averaging 14 per day.
- The total I costs for March were: $4248.65
The total revenues for March were: $5942.50
Leaving a net gain of:$1693.85
- The new electronic monitoring system is up and running.
- The out-of-county housing of inmates reached 27 inmates at one point in April. At present
there are 102 inmates at the Huber Center, 14 on electronic monitoring, 10 housed in the
Juneau County Jail, and 45 inmates in the jail. On April 30th, Sauk County has 178 prisoners in custody in all facilities and programs.
- April, 2003, out-of-county housing costs were $29,264, bringing the year-to-date total to $74,587.
- The April prisoner transport figures weren't ready but the Sheriff reported that there were
163 transports in March, bringing the year-to-date total to 494.
- William said that the public doesn't know that the Sheriff's Office turns money back to the
general fund each year and said she would like to have taxpayers know that.
- The process to find a replacement for Captain Bolz has begun and three applications have been
- Applications for clerks have been taken and the testing will be done soon by Personnel. The
first of the clerks to be hired will begin working July I, 2003.
- The following people have been promoted to the Patrol Division:
- Steve Johnson
- Stacy Hellmich
- Tyler Stephen's
- Josh Kowalke
- Mike Foster.
- William Charlebois has been selected to take over as the Electronic Monitoring Deputy,
replacing Kowalke.
- Jeff Meador has been promoted to Security Sergeant to replace Aaron Kirby, who elected to
remain in the Detective Division. Sergeant Meador will assume his new duties on July I, along
with Sargeant Kathy Brandt.
- The Sauk County auction will be held on May 30.
- The Sauk County Drug Task Force has had several significant cases recently. Three growing
operations have been broken up, one of which resulted in the seizure of 271 marijuana plants
and 2.5 pounds of processed marijuana.
- The past three years have shown a 23% increase in calls for service and there's been a 9%
increase in civil process papers.
- Telecommunicator Gerald Dallman has resigned effective April 30, 2003.
- The Respect for Law ceremonies and the grand opening of the new facility are both scheduled for Monday, May 12, beginning at 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM respectively.
- Adornment: The next regular meeting was set for Friday, June 6, 2003, at 8:00 AM.
- Motion by Giebel, seconded by Wenzel, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Dorothy Williams, Secretary
Copies : Montgomery, Giebel, Williams, Wenzel, Carlson, Mielke
(Notes taken by B. Manning)