Law Enforcement Committee
June 6 2003
The regular meeting of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Committee was held on Friday, June 6, 2003, at 8:00 A.M., in the Community Room. 1300 Lange Court, Baraboo,
The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties were notified.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present: Montgomery, Giebel, Carlson, Wenzel, Williams R. Stammen, B. Hinze, M. Hafemann, M. Bolz,
D. Weinke, T. Bychinski, J. Spencer, R. Meister, J. Briggs,
M. Bolz, K. Cady, T. Green, L. Koehnen, T. Stieve, Public,
C. Schreiber, P. Raab
- Call To Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law: The meeting was called to order and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was certified by Chair Charles Montgomery
at 8:00 A.M.
- Agenda: Motion by Giebel, seconded by Carlson, to adopt the agenda. Carried.
- Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s): Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Carlson, to approve the minutes of the regular Law Enforcement Committee meeting held on Friday
May 2, 2003. Motion carried.
- Communications: Sheriff Stammen passed around a commendation received from Senator Russell Feingold on the opening of the new Law Enforcement Center.
- Appearances:
- Leonard Koehnen of Leonard J. Koehnen and Associates appeared before the committee. Koehnen was hired by Sauk County to do a full evaluation of Sauk County's entire radio system as it relates to the Sheriff's Department, Sauk County Highway, all fire departments and EMS units in the county. Mr. Koehnen provided 12 bound copies of his final report. He told the committee that the information in it was considerable and recommended
that each member review the report and he would return to the next committee meeting to answer any questions the committee might have. Among those items included in his report was the need for $2 million in microwave replacements and severely overloaded towers. The immediate and most pressing need is fire paging.
- Chief Deputy Prantner said that the budgetary goals of the Sheriff's Department included the installation of a third mobile data tower. Koehnen identified three towers as being overloaded, one of which is Spring Green. There's also a problem with the coverage for search and rescue
units on the Wisconsin River.
- The committee was invited to send e-mail questions to Mr. Koehnen and he could prepare answers to be given at the July meeting.
- The committee scheduled the July Law Enforcement meeting for Thursday, July 10th, 2003, at 8
AM at the Law Enforcement Center. Mr. Koehnen will attend that meeting.
- The next appearance was the presentation of the employee of the month award to the
Transition Team for the new facility. The team members, along with their supervisor, O. F.
Coller, were presented the award by Chair Charles Montgomery.
- Presentation of Results for Scholarship Selection for WPPA Scholarship: Union
president Charles Schreiber thanked the committee for taking the time to read the applications
for the WPPA scholarship and he'll report back to the next meeting on who received it based on tallying the votes of the committee members.
- Review and Approval of May. 2003. Bills for Coroner and Sheriff's Department
- Giebel inquired of the criteria used to determine which cases get autopsied. Coroner Hinze
stated ~at they're ordered only when the cause of death is questionable and aren't used except in these cases, as is required by statutes.
- Motion by Giebel, seconded by Carlson, to approve payment of the Coroner's bills in the amount of $2,953.43. Motion carried.
- The Coroner presented the committee with her mission statement and goals for the 2004 budget process. Her mission statement remains the same and the only major change in her budget is a projected revenue increase from charging $100 for each cremation permit issued. Most counties around us are charging for the issuance of the permits. The average rate is about $100, which Hinze felt was an equitable charge. She said her office processed around 100 such requests a year.
- Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Carlson, to approve the Coroner's mission statement and goals. Motion carried.
- There were no unusual expenses for the Sheriff's Department for May. Motion by Wenzel, seconded by Williams, to approve payment of the Sheriff's Department's bills in the amount of $176,602.64. Motion carried.
- Consideration and Possible Approval of Resolution from Sauk County Department of Human Services on Juvenile Corrections:
- Human Services Director Ken Cady and Tim Green appeared before the committee in regard to this issue. Cady said
Sauk County is presently contracting with the State Department of Corrections for provision of aftercare services, which is the equivalent of parole for juvenile offenders. They pay $2260 per day for each child supervised, The amount will go to $26 on July I, 2003. A reallocation of
staff and duties within the Department of Human Services has lead to their being able to provide Ithis service on their own without contracting with the Department of Corrections. In addition to saving $26 per day per child, Cady said staff members believed they could do a more effective job of the supervision because they have fewer juveniles to supervise.
Department of Corrections personnel doing the juvenile aftercare supervision work are
assigned large areas. Sauk County would like to begin doing their own post incarceration
supervision beginning on January I, 2004, and the resolution has to be approved prior to July I, 2003, in order for that to be done. The Human Services committee agreed with the idea but wanted the Law Enforcement committee's approval as well.
- Cady said it was tentatively expected that taking back the program could save in excess of $20,000 per year and would result in more intensive supervision.
- Motion by Giebel, seconded by Carlson, to approve the resolution Authorizing the Souk County Department of Human Services to Cancel the Agreement with the State Department of Corrections to
Provide Juvenile Aftercare Services. Motion carried.
- Consideration and Approval of Mission and Vision Statement For Sauk County Sheriff's Office for 2004 Budget Proposal: The committee was asked to approve the mission statement, which has not changed.
- The long and short term goals have not changed except for an item regarding contracting for a
Medical Director for the Sauk County Security Division. Captain Hafemann informed the committee that the Medical Director's position has been held for the past several years by a local doctor for a very reasonable rate. However, the doctor is unable to get malpractice insurance to cover him for his services for the jail inmates. He's covered if they come to the clinic or to the emergency room but his role as medical consultant, working in conjunction with the jail nurses, isn't covered and he could not find a carrier to cover that. Hafemann said Carl Gruber has also done research to try to locate a company that would provide malpractice
insurance for the consulting physician and could not. The answer is to contract for the Medical Director with one of the larger companies that provide such services.
- The medical consulting company will provide an on-site doctor for 8 hours a week. The cost of the service is about $40,000 per year, which Hafemann reported was the most reasonable rate he could find. A number of other counties in Wisconsin use the same company. Counties are caught in a crunch between providing necessary medical care for inmates and balancing the costs When there's such a gap between mandated service and affordable medical personnel. Since the cost of providing the Medical Director services will be 20 times more expensive this will be a significant factor for 2004 budgeting.
- The committee also wanted added to the short term goals the reduction of jail population within Sauk County and to fill those beds with out-of-county inmates to increase revenues.
- Motion by Carlson, approved by Williams, to approve the Preliminary Data Sheets for the 2004 budget with the changes. Motion carried.
- Discussion and Update on Procedure to Fill Field Service Lieutenant's Openina and ...
- Discussion and Update on Promotional Procedure and Policy for Sauk
- These two items were combined. Sheriff Stammen reported that the promotional procedure for the filling of the vacancy created by Manny Bolz' retirement was completed and
Chip Meister was promoted to Field Services Captain. He had been subsequently informed by Personnel that the promotion wouldn't be authorized by Personnel, nor would he be paid for
performing the duties. The committee was briefed on the procedure used to complete the process for filling the position and Stammen reported that the only deviation from the past was that the applications were reviewed by him, Captain Bolz, Captain Hafemann and Chief Deputy Prantner in the Sheriff's Office instead of in the Personnel Office. Upon a request to bring the applications over to the Sheriff's Office for review, he was told that the applications could not
leave the Personnel Department. Copies of the essays were obtained, the review was done in the Sheriff's Office and Meister was selected. The personnel specialist who attended the meeting instead of Personnel Coordinator Koehler related that the selection process fit neither the criteria for a promotion, nor for a recruitment, combining elements of each. A lengthy discussion followed without resolution to the issue.
- Hafemann suggested a possible solution in having Koehler draft a letter stating that the
Personnel Department is not attesting to all conditions and the Sheriff takes full responsibility for any possible liability concerning this matter. The Personnel Specialist said she would take this recommendation back to the Personnel Coordinator for her consideration.
- The committee agreed that the matter needed to be resolved so that the field service lieutenant position vacated by Meister could be filled, and that all subsequent vacancies relating to the initial Field Service Captain vacancy impacted ultimately on the hiring of jailors. It was pointed out that these delays in filling positions doesn't allow for any training time between the person 'leaving and his/her replacement taking over.
- The committee was informed that six clerks were scheduled to begin working on June I, 2003, and to date no testing has been done of the applicants. Applications were turned in in April, 2003, and the pOSitions are critical to the opening of the new facility.
- The issue of filling the Field Service Captain's position, filling a Field Service Lieutenant's position, a Field Service Sergeant's position and the subsequent filling of a field service
deputy's position and a jailor slot, and the clerk vacancies were all unresolved.
- 14. Sheriff's Report:
- Stammen reported that 19 hours of overtime were paid to supervisors in May due to an ERT callout and training. Electronic monitoring expenses and revenues for the month of May are:
- $4,525.18 (expenses)
- $7.233.75 (revenues)
- $2,708.77 (net gain)
- Out-of-county housing for May were 271 inmate days in Juneau County and 70 inmate days at Waushara County. The total costs were $16,648 for May, bringing the year-to-date total to $91,235. There were 195 prisoner transports in May, 908 for the year-to-date.
- April inmate meals were 13,353 compared to I 1,886 for the month of April, 2002.
- Josh Kowalke has been promoted tfrom electraonic monitoring deputy to patrol.
- Mike Foster has been promoted from jailor to patrol deputy.
- David May and William Schreiner have moved from patrol to court security.
- The following people have been hired as jailors: Nicole Luth, Jason Snyder, and Kris Mondloch and William 80lz has been hired as a dispatcher. William Charlesbois has been promoted from jailor to electronic monitoring.
- One of the squads was involved in a car/deer collision, another was involved in a minor backing accident and a third had a rear window kicked out by an arrested person.
- 18. Adjourn To Date Specified: The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 08:00 at the Law Enforcement Center.
- Motion by Giebel, seconded by Wenzel, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Dorothy Williams, Secretary
(minutes taken by B. Manning)