DATE: October 20, 2003
A special meeting of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Committee was held on
Monday, October 20, 2003 at 8:30 AM., in room D 102A, at the Law Enforcement Center,
1300 Lange Court, Baraboo, Wisconsin.
The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties were notified.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present: C. Montgomery, D. Williams, M. Giebel, A Carlson, W. Wenzel R. Stammen, M. Hafemann, O. F. Coller, T. Bychinski, J. Prantner, T. Turnquist, B. Manning, Public, Media
The committee discussed the impact of having the $275.000 restored to the budget. That amount would save the transport team but Sheriff Stammen warned the committee that even with the money being restored there will still be huge and extremely detrimental side effects, some of which won't be fully felt until subsequent years.
The committee was informed that the Sheriff expects to return approximately $120,000 to the county's coffers even after the expenses for out-of-county housing of inmates is figured in. The committee agreed there was no point in pursuing any requests to the Finance Committee and the County Board to be allowed to receive credit for these returned funds. which is primarily due to unspent salary monies. Wenzel said that the Sheriffs Department has an exemplary record for staying within its budget and it was calculated that if the entire $2.4 million were put back into the
budget it would raise the levy rate about 50 cents per thousand.
Motion by Carlson, seconded by Williams, to request the County Board at the regular meeting on
October 21, 2003, to restore to the Sheriffs 2004 budget request the amount of $275,000 and to
allow the Sheriff and the Law Enforcement Committee the discretion to make any reductions
needed to meet the overall budget request reduction. Motion carried.
Discussion and Update on Closing the Old Jail: Captain Hafemann informed the committee that the old jail will be closed on Wednesday, October 22. All jailor positions are filled and there are four clerks yet to be hired. The command staff interviews with the clerical
applicants have been scheduled for Monday, October 27. 2003.
12. Adjournment: The next regular meeting has been set for Friday, November 7, 2003, at
8:00 AM. Motion by Giebel, seconded by Wenzel, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Dorothy Williams, Secretary
Copies: Montgomery, Giebel, Williams, Wenzel. Carlson, Mielke
Minutes taken by: B. Manning