Long Term Support Committee

Date: Thursday, February 6, 2003
Location :
425 Sixth Street, Reedsburg, WI 53959

Members Present:
John Earl, Gina Thill, Eldon Pratt, Marie Wanless, Harold Janechek, Carol Jeffers, Cathy Schmitz Couillard, Kathyrn Ahlstrom, Shell Lea Hainz, Sue Hebel, Mary Brown, Dan Brattset

Members Absent:
Mary Carol Solum, Al Dippel

Call to Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law and Adopt Agenda:
Harold Janechek called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the open meeting law. John Earl moved to adopt the agenda for today's meeting, seconded by Eldon Pratt; passed by unanimous vote.

Approval of May 22, 2002, Meeting Minutes:
Kathyrn Ahlstrom moved to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Marie Wanless; passed by unanimous vote.

Committee Member Resignation:
Tammy Smith has resigned from the Long Term Support Planning Committee as reported by Cathy Schmitz Couillard. The Family Support Advisory Committee will meet in the next few months and decide on a person who can serve on the Long Term Support Planning Committee.

COP Plan Update:
Gina Thill reviewed the 2003 COP Plan Update. This document, along with attachments, were given to each committee member. Items reviewed included:

Thill also presented recommendations to the committee for the COP Cost Sharing policy. It was recommended that the personal allowance be set at $150 and housing allowance in excess of $350. Items allowed will be mortgage, rent, taxes, insurance, utilities, and any unusual household or travel related expenses specific to consumer's health problems. John Earl motioned to approve the COP Cost Share Plan including personal allowance of $150 and housing costs in excess of $350. Marie Wanless seconded the motion; Eldon Pratt motioned to approve the plan, seconded by Mary Brown.

Thill distributed COP Legislature Report of 2000. This was reviewed with interest by the committee members.

Thill and Hebel presented draft of a policy regarding COP Preadmission Assessments and Consultations. Sauk County is requesting that under certain circumstances, the full COP assessment can be waived. Mary Brown moved to approve policy with revisions; seconded by John Earl.

Thill also presented State Memo #2002-25 dated January 2, 2003 regarding CBRFS licensed for more than 20 beds. The Sauk County Long Term Support Planning Committee will be charged with approving or disapproving a variance for use of COP funds in 3 CBRFS in Sauk County over 20 beds. The committee was asked if they would like to tour these facilities to make variance recommendations. Committee members agreed to tour these facilities on Friday, February 21, 2003, at 9 a.m.

Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 6, 2003 at 1 p.m.

moved to adjourn meeting,
seconded motion; motion carried unanimously.

Submitted by: Sue Hebel, LTS Supervisor
SH:ms, 021403