Members Present: John Earl, Gina Thill, Mary Brown, Marie Wanless, Carol Jeffers, Eldon Pratt, Cathy Schmitz Couillard, Al Dippel, Sue Hebel, Charlotte Taylor, Amy Peterson, Dan Brattset
Members Absent: Harold Janechek, Mary Carol Solum, Kathyrn Ahlstrom, Shell Lea Hainz
Call to Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law and Adopt Agenda: John Earl called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the open meeting law. Al Dippel moved to adopt the agenda for today's meeting, seconded by Marie Wanless, passed by unanimous vote.
Approval of March 6, 2003, Meeting Minutes: Eldon Pratt moved to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Marie Wanless, passed by unanimous vote.
New Member: Gina Thill introduced Amy Peterson who will be replacing Tammy Smith and representing the Family Support Program.
CBRF Variance Approvals: Gina Thill reported that CBRF variances at St. Clare Meadow Lane, The Pines, and The Meadows were approved by the State. This means that persons can move to any of these three facilities as long as all conditions are met. Individual variances are no longer needed.
Preadmission Consultation Policy: Gina Thill presented the policy as approved by the State Residential Specialist, Carrie Molke. The policy "Waiving the COP Preadmission Assessment and conducting a COP Preadmission Consultation" was distributed in final form to committee members. Eldon Pratt approved the policy with changes, seconded by Amy Peterson, passed by unanimous vote.
CBRF Percentage: The CBRF percentage was increased from 30-35%. Al Dippel moved to approve the increase in CBRF percentage to 35%, seconded by Marie Wanless, passed by unanimous vote.
Cathy Schmitz Couillard report:
Specialized Medical Supplies: The current policy was distributed. Mary Brown stated that their agency works with selected pharmacies to coordinate their Community Care Program; currently two pharmacies are being used for their program. The committee recommended the following: (1) Limit # of providers used; (2) limit amount of money used; (3) Allow specialized medical supplies to be purchased on a per month basis only.
Significant Proportions: Gina Thill will get numbers from April 2003. It was noted that we will need to add a person with a development disability as we are currently at 14.6%.
Long Term Support Planning Committee By -Laws: Gina Thill presented the Long Term Support Planning Committee By-laws approved by Sauk County board as Resolution No. 200-96. Thill also distributed a handout describing committee member roles and responsibilities. Kathyrn Ahlstrom, representing the seriously mentally ill; Mary Carol Solum, representing the Alzheimer's and dementia group, and Eldon Pratt represents the elderly. The committee is looking to replace in 2004 these members. John Earl stated that there should be clarification regarding county board membership. It is recommended that county board members have a 2 year membership term.
Educational Workshops: Gina Thill reviewed upcoming training opportunities.
Public Comment: None.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for October 1, 2003, at 1 p.m. This will be the final meeting of 2003.
Adjournment: Al Dippel moved to adjourn meeting, Mary Brown seconded motion, motion carried unanimously.
Submitted by: Sue Hebel, Long Term Support Supervisor