Long Term Support Committee

Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2003
Department of Human Services
425 Sixth Street, Reedsburg, WI 53959

Members Present: John Earl, Gina Thill, Marie Wanless, Harold Janechek, Jackie Bodette, Cathy Schmitz Couillard, Kathyrn Ahlstrom, Al Dippel, Sue Hebel, Charlotte Taylor, Dan Brattset

Members Absent: Carol Jeffers, Eldon Pratt, Mary Carol Solum, Shell Lea Hainz, Amy Peterson, Mary Brown

Call to Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law and Adopt Agenda: Harold Janechek called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the open meeting law. Al Dippel moved to adopt the agenda for today's meeting, seconded by Kathyrn Ahlstrom, passed by unanimous vote.

Approval of October 1, 2003, Meeting Minutes: John Earl moved to accept the minutes with corrections, seconded by Marie Wanless, passed by unanimous vote.

Specialized Medical Supplies: Specialized Medical Supplies Policy revision was presented to the committee. The policy defines steps necessary to purchase supplies and limits the type of supplies that the waiver program will cover effective January 1, 2004. Motion carried with some minor additions by Charlotte Taylor, seconded by Al Dippel, passed by unanimous vote.

COP Co-Payment: Gina Thill requested policy revision on the COP co-payment amount. The policy has been modified to allow persons with co-payments exceeding $15 per month or $180 per year to request COP funds to cover the copayment amounts over and above these amounts. Kathyrn Ahlstrom moved to revise policy, seconded by John Earl, passed by unanimous vote.

By-laws: Gina Thill reviewed by-laws and discussed new membership recommendations:

  1. Betty Irwin to represent elderly population replacing Eldon Pratt
    Marie Wanless moved to approve appointment, seconded by Al Dippel
  2. Bev Vallincourt to represent CMI population
    Kathyrn Ahlstrom moved to approve appointment, seconded by Marie Wanless
  3. Carrie Pieper represent area hospitals
    Charlotte Taylor moved to approve appointment, seconded by Marie Wanless

The committee extended grateful thank you's to Kathyrn Ahlstrom, Eldon Pratt, and Mary Carol Solum for their many years of service and dedication to our Sauk County citizens.

Public Comment: None.

Next Meeting: The next meeting has been rescheduled for February 25, 2004, at 1 p.m.

Adjournment: Marie Wanless moved to adjourn meeting, John Earl seconded motion, motion carried unanimously.

Submitted by: Sue Hebel, LTS Supervisor