Management Information Systems

Date: February 12, 2003

The MIS Committee was called to order at 9:15a.m., Wednesday, February 12, 2003. Members present were: Burri, Netzinger, Stoeckmann, Wenzel and White. Guest: Brenson.

Meeting called to order by Wenzel. Motion to adopt agenda by Stoeckmann, seconded by Netzinger. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Motion to approve the minutes by Stoeckmann, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Communications - None

Review of MIS Objectives - Pate distributed handout outlining 2003 departmental objectives. Discussion followed. Motion to approve objectives by Netzinger, seconded by Stoeckmann. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried. Pate made a request to change agenda item order so that SOARING project could be talked about for Brenson. Motion to change agenda item order by Burri, seconded by Stoeckmann. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

SOARING System - Pate explained that this project has to do with publication of tax records on the website. The module for the tax system is in place and Register of Deeds will come later. Pate said that there will be an option that would allow people to choose to have their names removed from the database. An example cited was Dane County's system. At this time, there is no target date for going live - still need to draft a policy.

MIS Training - Pate discussed budgeted money for training - he requested approval for staff to travel for training during 2003 as needed within County Board guidelines. Netzinger stated that he would like a report of any training. Motion to approve training by dept. head discretion within County Board guidelines by White, seconded by Netzinger. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried. Wenzel brought up a point about training for new employees and Pate said that Personnel has been approached with the idea of including this in employee orientation. Discussion followed.

2002 Project/Budget Status - Pate explained that because computer hardware has been less expensive, this will help keep us under budget in spending. 2002 pc installs should be wrapped up in the next couple of weeks. Top priority is Human Services. The 2002 pcs, budgeted for the Sheriff's Dept. will be set up at the new facility versus setting up the equipment here and then moving it out to the new facility.

WISACWIS project - Final pre-implementation meeting was held last week. March 10th is the target date to begin implementation process. Pate said that is is the best planned and organized state project that he has worked on, June 30th is the projected go-live date.

Dept. Update -

Motion to approve vouchers that are carry-over from 2002 by Stoeckmann, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Motion to approve current vouchers by White, seconded by Stoeckmann. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Next meeting scheduled for March 12th, at 9:15 a.m.

Motion to adjourn by White, seconded by Stoeckmann. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Rose White, Secretary