Management Information Systems Committee

Date: March 12, 2003

The MIS Committee was called to order at 9:15a.m., Wednesday, March 12, 2003. Members present were: Burri, Netzinger, Wenzel and White.

Meeting called to order by Wenzel. Motion to adopt agenda by Netzinger, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried.

Burri would like it noted that the Minutes from last month need to be amended to have his name removed since he didn't attend last month's meeting. Motion to approve the minutes with the change by Burri, seconded by Netzinger. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried.

Communications - Wenzel wanted it noted that the Treasurer is pleased with the new AS/400 system.

Approval for Carry-forward of 2002 funds - Pate gave handout to committee members outlining why 2002 $'s need to be carried forward. Discussion followed. Motion to approve the carry-forward of $488,931 by White, seconded by Netzinger. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried.

Final 2002 Budget #'s - Pate had outline of 2002 Final budget #'s. Overall MIS budget came in at 33% under projections due to significantly lower than anticipated computer hardware costs. MIS operating budget under by 8% partly because the new position not being filled before the beginning of the new year.

Annual Report - Pate explained that the annual report is due April 18th. Pate asked committee for input on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Discussion followed. Pate will draw up draft of report and show it to committee at next meeting, which will take place before the 18th.

Network Technician Recruitment - Pate is interviewing 13 people. Will have a decision made by the end of the month and fill position by the beginning of April.

KRONOS-MUNIS - Pate said project is still not completed. There are still some difficulties communicating with the vendors. The biggest obstacle is the current Munis system is set up to assign only one job per person, not multiple jobs.

WISACWIS project - First implementation meeting took place. There will be a meeting every week for the next 17 weeks. The challenge that is faced on this project is the data mapping from CMHC. The Go-live projection is June 30th.

Dept. Update -

Motion to approve vouchers by Burri, seconded by Netzinger. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried.

Next meeting scheduled for April 9th, at 9:15 a.m.

Motion to adjourn by Netzinger, seconded by Burri. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.

Rose White, Secretary