Management Information Systems Committee

Date: May 14, 2003

The MIS Committee was called to order at 9:15a.m., Wednesday, May 14, 2003. Members present were: Burri, Netzinger Stoeckman, Wenzel and White. Guest: Jeffers

Meeting called to order by Wenzel. Motion to adopt agenda by Stoeckmann, seconded by Burri. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Motion to approve last month's committee minutes for April 15th by Stoeckmann, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee. Motion carried. Motion to approve last month's committee minutes for April 17th by Burri, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Communications - None.

SAMS Project - Pate explained that the SAMS project is mandated by the state. Pate called other counties to see how the program is working for them. Rock County said that the install went well but they are not using the program yet. Jeffers said that she knows 30 counties have installed the program without a problem. However, no county has put this program into full implementation. He will see that the program is installed as a stand-alone computer by the end of June.

SOARING Project - Pate had a news release for the committee to add comments to. He had consulted with Liebmann who believes that the public should be notified and given the option to have name removed from Name Search. Burri would like the following lines emphasized "Individuals have option to have name removed from Name Search".

Resolution Authorizing the lease of a T1 data line from AT&T - Pate explained that in order to meet specifications, the connection to the internet will need to be upgraded. The quotes received were from Charter and AT&T. The state would provide 50% of the funding for this line. Motion to approve resolution by Stoeckmann, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Resolution to purchase new CORE switch - Pate explained the importance of this switch - how it is the center of the network. SBC, was the low bid at a cost of $47,832.67. 3 quotes were received. Further plans include adding a redundant switch next year. Motion to approve resolution by White, seconded by Stoeckmann. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

WISACWIS update - Go-live date is on target. Initial information has been transferred from CMHC and is being verified and corrected. Reporting issues still need to be resolved.

2004 MIS Budget Priorities - Pate reiterated what was said at Finance Committee meeting regarding 2004 budget. In particular, that there are no new levy funded major MIS Projects. Pate indicated projects that would save the County money, should be considered. Discussion followed. Motion to approve MIS priorities by White, seconded by Burri. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Dept. Update

Motion to approve vouchers by Stoeckmann, seconded by Burri. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Next meeting scheduled for June 11th, at 9:15 a.m.

Motion to adjourn by Burri, seconded by Stoeckmann. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Rose White, Secretary