Management Information Systems Committee

Date: June 11, 2003

The MIS Committee was called to order at 9:15a.m., Wednesday, June 11, 2003. Members present were: Netzinger, Stoeckman, Wenzel and White. Meeting called to order by Wenzel. Motion to adopt agenda by Netzinger, seconded by Stoeckmann. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Motion to approve last month's committee minutes by Stoeckmann, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Communications - White brought up issue of training rm. at LEC, relayed by another Board member. Pate explained that the room is not wired for network connectivity.

MUNIS Crystall Reports Implementation - Pate said that migration is beginning from IQ Objects to Crystall Reports. Training begins next week.

Update on SOARING Project - Last month committee approved the News Release but the section referring to selling information had to be removed because the Treasurer informed Pate that Sauk County does that info. June 20th is the golive date. Crowley has a few issues with the application but she is working with the vendor on them.

WISACWIS Implementation - Golive date is June 30th. Pate attended the technical conference and the counties that are running the application are satisfied with the system. State has handled the project very well. There are some interface and reporting issues. Discussion followed.

2004 MIS Budget - Pate outlined his expectations for the 2004 MIS Budget process. Discussion followed.

Dept. Update

Motion to approve vouchers by Stoeckmann, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.

Next meeting scheduled for July 9th, at 9:15 a.m.

Motion to adjourn by Stoeckmann, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitteed: Rose White, Secretary Date