The MIS Committee was called to order at 9:15a.m., Wednesday, September 8, 2003. Members present were: Burri, Wenzel and White. Guest: Brenson. Meeting called to order by Wenzel. Motion to adopt agenda by White, seconded by Burri. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.
Motion to approve last month's committee minutes by Burri, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.
Communications - None.
Resolution for the purchase of Map Guide - Brenson explained what the application will do. Currently the Mapping Dept. is using ARCIMS which is hard to program. Brenson stated that Map Guide will save the County money on upgrades, about $40,000 over 7 years. He believes that this software will eliminate the need for a future hire.
Motion to approve by Burri, seconded by White.
Resolution to approve sending Anna Ameri to Webmasters conference in Kansas City - Pate and Ameri explained the value of attending the conference. Ameri stated that she is willng to pay the cost of traveling to and from the conference. This will be an opportunity to network with other city/county webmasters and attend training on some applications. Motion to approve by White, seconded by Wenzel. Dissented by Burri.
Proposed MIS Budget - Pate explained that Finance Committee is going over the budget this week. Pate has proposed a way to removed $112,000 out of the budget - instead of a 3-yr. replacement schedule on pcs, the County will go to a 4-yr. replacement schedule. On-goingsavings will be somewhat less due to the budget gap created by moving from 3 to 4 years.
Dept. Update
Motion to approve vouchers by White, seconded by Burri. Committee commented that they would like to see monthly report with vouchers. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.
Next meeting scheduled for October 8th, at 9:15a.m.
Motion to adjourn by Burri, seconded by White. Agreed on by committee.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Rose White, Secretary