Personnel Committtee

DATE: Friday, February 14, 2003


Members present: T. Meister, C. Montgomery, J. Stoeckmann, A. Lombard. S. Alexander

Others Present: M. Koehler, J. Ashworth, T. Brenson, K. Cady, C. Couillard, D. Grinder, M. Hafemann, B. Haag, J. Hahn, S. Hebel, S. Herndon, P. Holcomb, L. Horkan, K. Johnson, D. Kasper, K. Kippley, M. Kluge, B. Mielke, B. Muhlenbeck, P. Pohle, J. Prantner, R. Ramsey, B. Schultz, J. Smidl, D. Taapken, J. Van Berkel, J. Wendt, and G. Wiegand.


The meeting was called to order by T. Meister at 8:30 a.m., and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.


Motion by J. Stoeckmann, second by C. Montgomery, to adopt the amended agenda. Motion carried.


Motion by A. Lombard, second by J. Stoeckmann, to approve the January 2003, minutes of the Personnel Committee with the following correction: Page 1, Motion to approve Minutes: correct the spelling of the name "Lomabard" to Lombard. Motion carried.


M. Koehler announced there were no communications.


M. Koehler distributed photocopies of the pertinent documents to the members of the Committee. J. Ashworth, Teamster's Local 695 business representative addressed the Committee regarding the Union's concerns that the implementation language was in contradiction to contract language.


Motion by S. Alexander, second by C. Montgomery, to enter into closed session. Roll call vote was taken, Meister - Aye, Montgomery - Aye, Alexander - Aye, Lombard - Aye, Stoeckmann - Aye. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by S. Alexander, second by C. Montgomery to reconvene in open session. Meister - Aye, Montgomery - Aye, Alexander - Aye, Lombard - Aye, Stoeckmann - Aye. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by S. Alexander, second by C. Montgomery, to deny the Teamsters Grievance regarding the "draft" implementation letter based on the merits of the grievance. However, since the language in question is specifically noted as "draft", the wording, "hours equivalent" will be removed from the final document. Motion carried.


Chief Deputy J. Prantner, requested the Committee authorize a one (1) step increase for the one most recent Sheriff's Department Sergeants. Prantner explained that the request was made to provide additional compensation to the employees who are no longer eligible to receive time and a half overtime pay, due to their exempt status.

M. Koehler provided additional information to the Committee, noting that Sergeants are eligible for overtime payments when authorized by the Sheriff, and the two step increases previously authorized were not intended to establish precedent. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by S. Alexander to authorize a non precedential two step increase for Sgts. M. Olsen and W. Steinhorst retroactive to date of promotion. Motion carried.

Security Captain, M. Hafemann came before the Committee to request consideration of two resolutions changing the hiring date for the position of Jail Nurse from September 1, 2003 to July 1, 2003, and the four Clerk/Matron positions originally approved for hiring September 1, 2003, to July 1, 2003. Hafemann stated the change in hiring dates would assist in facilitating an earlier opening of the Law Enforcement Center and the money saved from not out sourcing the housing of inmates would offset some of the additional staffing costs. Administrative Coordinator, G. Wiegand expressed concerns regarding the budgeted amounts. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by J. Stoeckmann to support two resolutions modifying the hiring date for one Jail Nurse and four Clerk/Matrons. Motion carried.


T. Stieve, Director of EMBS presented a resolution to the Committee authorizing the restructuring of the Department of Emergency Management, Buildings, and Safety, to include the creation of one (1.0) FTE Facility Manager and the retitling of positions to reflect recommendations of the Classification and Compensation Study of Non-Represented Positions. Stieve explained changes which have occurred over the past decade and the need to reassign staff as a result of the new facilities which have been built. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by T. Meister to approve the resolution and to submit it for consideration at the next regular meeting of the Sauk County Board of Supervisors. Motion carried.


B. Mulhenbeck, Public Health Director addressed the Committee concerning several project positions within the Public Health Department. The positions discussed were: Bio-Terrorism, one Administrative Support position and one Communications Administrator; and for the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program for one clerical position to assist with gathering and maintaining client data. All three positions would be funded with non-levy dollars. Motion by J. Stoeckmann, second by S. Alexander to authorize the three project positions while funding exists. Motion carried.


C. Coulliard appeared before the Committee to request authorization for a leave of absence in accordance with the guidelines established by the Sauk County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13.45 Personal Leave. Motion by J. Stoeckmann, second by A. Lombard to approve the leave request. Motion carried.


Staff from the Child Support Agency, County Clerk, Human Services, Land Conservation, and Mapping Departments, presented additional information to the Personnel Committee regarding the recommendation of the consultant for their specific classification and/or compensation level. Due to previously scheduled activities concerns from the Clerk of Courts office were presented in a letter to the Committee. Motion by A. Lombard, second by J. Stoeckmann to enter into closed session pursuant to 19.85 (1)(c) for the purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility over.

Roll call vote was taken, Meister - Aye, Montgomery - Aye, Alexander - Aye, Lombard - Aye, Stoeckmann - Aye. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by A. Lombard, second by J. Stoeckmann to reconvene in open session. Meister - Aye, Montgomery - Aye, Alexander - Aye, Lombard - Aye, Stoeckmann - Aye. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by J. Stoeckmann, second by S. Alexander to postpone any decisions regarding the Teamsters Classification and Compensation appeals until a special meeting of the Personnel Committee can scheduled for February 25, 2003, at 5:00 p.m. Motion carried.


M. Koehler explained to the Committee if an employee survey is to be conducted utilizing outside sources to ensure objectivity, it will be necessary to request a transfer from the County contingency fund to hire a consultant, as there was no money budgeted for a survey in 2003. Motion by Montgomery, second by Meister to approve a resolution authorizing a transfer from the contingency fund to the Personnel 2003 operating budget in an amount not exceed $7,500.00 (seven thousand, five hundred dollars). Motion carried.


M. Koehler presented the Committee with information regarding the need for an additional equipment purchase for the color copier if it is going to provide the capabilities which are needed. Motion by J. Stoeckmann, second by A. Lombard to approve a resolution for the purchase of additional equipment for the color copier. Motion carried.


M. Koehler provided the Committee with a report regarding the past month's activities in the Personnel Department.

Motion by C. Montgomery, second by J. Stoeckmann to approve the payment of vouchers for the amount of $5,179.20. Motion carried.

Motion by A. Lombard, second by T. Meister, to adjourn the meeting until 8:30 a.m., Friday, March 14, 2003. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned.

Signed by: Judith Stoeckmann - Secretary