Personnel Committtee

DATE: Friday, October 10, 2003


Members present: T. Meister, C. Montgomery, A. Lombard, S. Alexander

Members absent: J. Stoeckmann

Others Present: A. Carlson, G. Wiegand, M. Koehler, K. Pope, J. Briggs, J. Prantner, R. Meister, M. Busser, K. Beghin, T. Dietz, Consultants from William Young, and Media.


The meeting was called to order by T. Meister at 8:00 a.m., and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.


Motion by C. Montgomery, second by A. Lombard to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.


Motion by A. Lombard, second by Scott Alexander, to approve the minutes of the September, 2003 regular business meeting of the Personnel Committee. Motion carried.


M. Koehler noted there were no communications.


Members of the Sheriff's Department administrative staff, Chief Deputy Prantner, and Captain Meister, requested the Personnel Committee authorize placing newly promoted Sergeant Tobin at Grade 13, step 2 . J. Prantner further inquired of the Committee whether or not they would consider taking any action to make all future promotions an automatic two step increase rather than having to request each on individually. Prantner explained that all individuals promoted to a position of Sergeant or higher have been granted a two step increase as a matter of fairness, however only after appearing before the Personnel Committee. M. Koehler provided the Committee with a brief history of the two step increases. In January of 1996, the Captains and Lieutenants were provided a two step increase to compensate them for loss of overtime pay when their positions were corrected from nonexempt to exempt status. Then in March of 1998 the Sheriff came before the Personnel Committee to request that the same two step increase be provided to the eight sergeants and office manager within the Sheriff's Department to provide equity to all of the administrative staff. No action was ever been taken by a Personnel Committee to make two step increases automatic upon promotion, the original action was only for the administrate staff who lost opportunity to earn overtime by virtue of being reclassified exempt rather than nonexempt. Motion by C. Montgomery second by S. Alexander to authorize an increase retroactively to date of promotion to Grade thirteen, step two for Sergeant Tobin. Motion Carried.

Security Captain M. Hafemann requested the Personnel Committee to consider the reclassification of Registered Nurse, Margo Busser from a staff jail nurse position to a supervisory position. Hafemann and Busser both provide information to the Committee regarding nurse Busser's daily duties, and contacts, as well as explanation as to where her responsibilities were greater than those of the other two nurses at the Law Enforcement Center. M. Koehler told the Committee in reviewing the job duties and expectations for the position it was comparable to an Assistant Director of Nursing at the Sauk County Health Care Center rather than a nursing position in Public Health or Home Care. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by T. Meister to authorize the jail nurse position currently held by M. Busser to be reclassified to Security Facility Medical Supervisor/Registered Nurse effective January 1, 2004. Motion carried.


Consultants from the William Young were present to provide the Personnel Committee preliminary findings and information regarding the employee survey and focus groups which have now been concluded at the Health Care Center. Motion by A. Lombard, second by C. Montgomery to enter into closed session to pursuant to Wis Stat. 19.85(1)(e). With closed session to include A. Carlson, G. Wiegand, M. Koehler, K. Pope and J. Briggs. Roll Call vote was taken: Meister - aye, Montgomery - aye, Alexander - aye, Lombard - aye. Motion carried.

Motion by C. Montgomery, second by A. Lombard to reconvene in open session. Motion carried.


M. Koehler distributed handouts to the Committee of Department activities for the past month, including recruitment, benefits, unemployment and labor relations. A large amount of time has been spent in the past month regarding health insurance for the County for 2004. Koehler informed the Committee the lowest bid thus far would result in an eighteen percent increase over the current health insurance. There was discussion of trends in surrounding counties, who the providers are and the types of coverage offered.

K. Pope provided the Committee with information regarding current recruitments and personnel issues and activities at the Health Care Center.

Motion by C. Montgomery, second by S. Alexander to approve the monthly vouchers in the amount of $ 5,494.07. Motion carried.

Motion by A. Lombard, second by S. Alexander to adjourn until the next meeting of the Personnel Committee on November 7, 2003, at 10:30 a.m. Motion carried.
Motion by C. Montgomery, second by A. Lombard, approve the September vouchers in the amount of $1,996.40. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.

Signed by: Judith Stoeckmann - Secretary