Personnel Committtee

DATE: Friday, November 7, 2003


Members present: C. Montgomery, A. Lombard, S. Alexander

Members absent: T. Meister, J. Stoeckmann

Others Present: G. Wiegand, J. Schmitz, M. Higgs, M. Koehler, K. Pope, J. Briggs, P. Holcomb


The meeting was called to order by C. Montgomery, at 10:30 a.m., and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.


Motion by S. Alexander, second by A. Lombard to adopt the amended agenda. Motion carried.


Motion by A. Lombard, second by S. Alexander, to approve the minutes of the October, 2003, regular business meeting of the Personnel Committee. Motion carried.
COMMUNICATIONS: M. Koehler noted there were was one communication which would be addressed with the Tri-County Airport agenda item.


Marc Higgs, contracted manager of the Tri-County Airport presented a request to have the position be an employee of the County rather than contracted. Mr. Higgs explained the job duties he currently performs and the issues regarding liability and health insurance. Currently as a contracted employee Mr. Higgs is required to carry his own liability insurance and purchase his own health insurance. Increases over the past several years are making it extremely difficult to purchases the required insurance as an individual. The airport has also increased in size and usage making it necessary to increase the coverage referenced in the insurance policy as well. Administrative Coordinator G. Wiegand, and County Board Supervisor J. Schmitz also spoke in support of the request. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by S. Alexander to support a resolution to the full county board, creating an Airport Manager position for the Tri-County Airport, to be an employee of Sauk County with equal contributions from all three counties, effective January 2004. Motion carried.


G. Wiegand informed the Committee the survey summary had been presented to the Health Care Center Governing Board, and reviewed by same. Mr. Wiegand expressed the Governing Board's concern that the survey could be perceived as a personal attack. The Personnel Director was asked to contact the consulting firm of William Young and to coordinate a joint presentation to the Health Care Center Governing Board and the Personnel Committee at some time within the next few weeks. No action taken.

2004 BUDGET:

M. Koehler provided the Committee with draft policies modifying Personnel Policies in regard to merit increases and retirement. The policy modifications are intended to help contain the County's 2004 budget. Specifically the policies would eliminate non-represented employee merit increases for 2004 and allow eligible employees to retire with a greater percentage of sick leave conversion. (For detail see attached policies) Motion by S. Alexander, second by A. Lombard to approve the One Year Suspension of Merit Increases for Non-Represented Employees. Motion carried.

Motion by S. Alexander, second by A. Lombard to approve the Early Retirement. Motion carried.


K. Pope provided the Committee with information regarding current recruitments and personnel issues at the Health Care Center. Concern over the ability to recruit registered nurses at an equitable rate was discussed. The Personnel Ordinance authorizes hiring up to step three of the salary matrix without additional approval required, to offer a position at step four or five requires the HCC Manager to receive the approval of either the Personnel Director or the Administrative Coordinator. Ms. Pope will be in contact with the Personnel Director to discuss increased steps at hiring as appropriate. No action required.

Personnel Receptionist Position:

M. Koehler explained to the Committee the elimination of the receptionist position effective January 1, 2004, would result in an employee losing their position just prior to being eligible for retirement. The employee currently holding the position has been with the County since 1982. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by S. Alexander in recognition of the employee's years of faithful service to delay the elimination of the County receptionist position until February 1, 2004 and to amend the Personnel budget accordingly. Motion carried.

Motion by A. Lombard, second by S. Alexander to approve the October vouchers in the amount of $5,500.07. Motion carried.

Motion by A. Lombard, second by S. Alexander to adjourn. The next regular business meeting of the Personnel Committee will be on December 12, 2003, at 8:30 Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Signed by: Judith Stoeckmann - Secretary