Property and Insurance Committee

Members Present: Virgil Hartje, Marvin Giebel, Larry Volz, Al Dippel
Members Absent: Katherine Zowin
Others Present: Tim Stieve, Carl Gruber, Cynthia Engelhardt, Jolene Crowley, Gene Wiegand
  1. Meeting called to order by Hartje at 9:00 a.m.. Certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
  2. Adopt agenda: Motion by Giebel, second by Dippel, to approve agenda. Carried.
  3. Adopt minutes: Motion by Volz, second by Giebel, to approve last month’s minutes. Carried.
  4. Communications: Representatives from Baraboo Area Senior Citizens & Renewal, Inc. inquired about purchasing County property for a multipurpose site to include Head Start, family resource center and Senior Nutrition center. They are looking for 1-2 acres, possibly 3. Committee suggested a portion of the land being developed at Berkley Blvd in West Baraboo where LSS will be. Available lot is 1 ½ acres; the groups will take a closer look at this; Stieve provided a copy of the property map for them; they will stay in touch with the Committee, thru Tim Stieve, after looking it over.
  5. Business items:
    1. Crowley presented two (2) resolutions for the sale of tax deeded properties. One in Town of Ironton for $250 & one in Town of Dellona for $1300. Motion by Giebel, second by Dippel to accept resolutions. Carried.
  6. 6. Departmental Updates - Carl Gruber, Risk Management
    1. Monthly report (attached).
    2. Review & approval of deductibles (attached) Motion by Dippel, second by Giebel to approve deductibles. Carried.
    3. Resolution presented, to the Senate Insurance Committee in support of SB 176, allowing municipal mutual insurance companies to offer property insurance to their members. This would be another option, other than our local government property insurance fund. Motion by Volz, second by Giebel to submit resolution. Carried.
  7. Department Updates - Tim Stieve, Buildings & Safety
    1. Request to purchase a snow blower for LEC, to be used for sidewalks & dock area. Stieve pointed out that this was budgeted in our outlay this year. Dick Mielke, Facilities Manager, received following bids:
      A new J Deere X595 23 hp diesel for $10,735; a used model for $8,400. After comparing the two, it was felt by Mielke that the used machine was in excellent condition. Motion by Giebel, second by Dippel to purchase the used blower for $8,400. Carried.
    2. monthly report (attached)
    3. Review & approval of vouchers. Motion by Giebel, second by Dippel to approve vouchers totalling $128,055.05. Carried.
    4. 2004 departmental budget review & approval. Motion by Giebel, second by Volz to approve 2004 budget. Carried.
      1. Other:
        1. Steive reported he is working with UW Extension Master Gardener program to take care of the West Square “Flower Box” area.
          Demolition of old Sheriff’s dept has been started. Stieve is receiving bids for asbestos removal.
          He requested the use of A&O for engineering reports.
          Nextel is interested in giving us a tower at no charge if they can put it on top of the courthouse.
          Interviewing for the LEC building superintendent position begins on Tuesday, August 12.
          Stieve is still working with MIS on a program to track work orders. Cost still needs to be determined.
        2. Hartje received a call from Personnel, concerned about the on time opening of the LEC. The Committee feels there is still too much of a hold up on the hiring.
  8. Next Meeting: Friday, September 12, 2003 at 9:00 a.m.
  9. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Motion by Giebel, second by Volz to adjourn. Carried.

Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt, August 14, 2003