Property and Insurance Committee

Members Present: Virgil Hartje, Marvin Giebel, Katherine Zowin, Larry Volz, Al Dippel

Others Present: Tim Stieve, Carl Gruber, Cynthia Engelhardt, Jolene Crowley, Mr. & Mrs. Wucherer, Mr. & Mrs. Francois

  1. Meeting called to order by Hartje at 9:00 a.m.. Certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
  2. Adopt agenda: Motion by Giebel, second by Volz, to approve agenda.
  3. Adopt minutes: Motion by Volz, second by Giebel, to approve last month's minutes.
  4. Communications:
    1. Public comment from Baraboo Seniors regarding the search for their new site. They are still interested in County property, seeking 1 to 1 ½ acres (refer to August 11 minutes - possible site is portion of land being developed at Berkley Blvd in West Baraboo where LSS will be). This will be an agenda item for next meeting which will give Seniors time to discuss with other agencies involved.
    2. Request from VARC to expand parking area. Steve Muchow gave Stieve a cost of no more than $1,000 to have gravel spread and compacted on the Southwest side.
      Motion by Giebel, second by Dippel to have the Highway Dept. expand the parking area.
  5. Business items
    1. Treasurer - Crowley will be placing an advertisement for the sale of 7 properties.
    2. Sheriff's garage in West Baraboo - Stieve requested approval to obtain appraisals before selling, for the garage and Lot 2 . In the meantime it will be used for storage.
      Motion by Giebel, second by Zowin to get appraisals.
    3. Designation of smoking area for West Square - Stieve will get cost of outdoor "smoking enclosures" to use outside the dock area and/or Courthouse.
  6. Departmental Updates - Carl Gruber, Risk Management
    1. Monthly Report (attached)
    2. Review & approval of deductibles - No deductibles for the month of October
    3. Appearance by John Schmitz and Marc Higgs of Tri-County Airport, requesting that John Schmitz become a Sauk County employee. He is now an independent contractor and manages the office at the airport, along with maintenance, landscaping, snow removal at the airport. Sauk County pays for 1/3 of his services. Gruber checked with Personnel and found it would cost an additional $7500 to employ him. Workers' comp would be $83.41/year. We are at good limits with liability. It was suggested that Mr. Schmitz make an appearance at the budget hearing on Tuesday, Nov 11, but before that time to prepare a statement listing all responsibilities and expenses, which they will do with Accounting's help.
      Motion by Giebel, second by Volz to hire Schmitz as an employee, with approval by the other participating counties, at the cost of $7500 in the budget.
    4. Resolution re liability & workers comp insurance, carriers & premiums for Sauk County from Jan 1, 2004 to Jan 1, 2005.
      Motion by Volz, second by Giebel to accept resolution approving insurance premiums for the next year.
      Gruber received letter from Wisconsin Mutual asking if any of our Board members would like to be on one of their committees.
      Motion by Hartje, second by Zowin to nominate Larry Volz.
  7. Department Updates - Tim Stieve, Buildings & Safety
    1. monthly report (attached).
    2. Review & approval of vouchers.
      Motion by Giebel, second by Zowin to approve vouchers totalling $128,095.68.
    3. Resolution to upgrade card access system - Stieve said we had $50k in our budget for this. It would be upgrading the software.
      Motion by Dippel, second by Volz to approve resolution.


      Stieve announced we received a check in the amount of $232.137.00 from Wisconsin Mutual Insurance, for the Owner Direct Insurance Program for the Sauk County Law Enforcement Center Project.

      Giebel asked how much is left the jail building fund and Stieve said that with the check from Wisconsin County Mutual, there is about $400k in the fund.

      The elimination of the full-time receptionist's position would create a few internal phone problems which Stieve will need to address.

      Discussed water leak issue in the West Square, which Stieve thinks could be from the flower bed. Permission was given for Stieve to remove the flower bed if necessary.

      Stieve discussed leaking window problems and slider door problems at the LEC, which he is trying to remedy.
  8. Next Meeting: Monday, December 8, 2003 at 9:00 a.m.
  9. Meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m. Motion by Giebel, second by Zowin to adjourn. Carried.

Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt