Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee

Committee Members Present: Ashford, Sprecher, Lehman, and Wiese and Cassity.

Others Present: Gurney, White, Haugen, Simmert, Tremble, Gary Kowalke, Robert Mann, Bailey, Brenson.

Chairman Wiese called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. and staff certified the meeting had been properly posted.

Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Cassity to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

Motion by Cassity, seconded by Ashford to approve the minutes of the January 28, 2003 Committee meeting. Motion carried.

Business items: Mr. Gurney presented resolutions that were approved at the last meeting for Committee members' signatures.

Mr. Brent Bailey, Register of Deeds, appeared and gave his monthly report. He stated that the document load was still heavy. He had a request from a law firm from Arkansas for title information on the Tamarack development. This would involve approximately 15,000 documents. Mr. Bailey was checking into getting software that could produce the information required for about $1,500.00. He would then charge about 75% of that back to the firm. This is something that could be offered for other developments and lake districts. Mr. Cassity asked if, by supplying this information, the Register of Deeds was taking work away from a private individual or firm. Mr. Bailey said he didn't believe so because the Register of Deeds had the most complete records of this nature.

He also informed the Committee that the first recorded electronic documents in the state were completed last week. Not including proofing time it took approximately 25 seconds to complete the process.

The Committee reviewed the Register of Deeds' voucher list. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Lehman to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried, 5-0.

Mr. Ted Brenson, County Cartographer, then appeared and stated that he had recently completed a Wisconsin Land Records grant application in the amount of $126,000. He also had a meeting with Ayres and Associates regarding a digital terrain model and he would like someone to give a demonstration to the committee on the model. Mr. Cassity asked what the grant was written for and he explained that it was for the tract index system in the Register of Deeds and completion of the parcel mapping.

He also stated that the Troy GPS project will be done in May. The Spring Green project and government lots along the river were briefly discussed. The field work had been completed by Vierbicher and the department would now be able to complete the parcel map for the town. He also informed the Committee that the Arc/IMS project was running internally and he had a meeting with the Sheriff's Department regarding using GPS for locating emergencies.

The Committee then reviewed a contract with Ruekert-Mielke on an hourly basis for training and computer support. Mr. Cassity asked if the money for this contract was in the budget. Mr. Brenson stated that there was approximately $4,500.00 in the budget for contractual services. Mr. Brenson stated that they had a previous contract with Headwaters, but preferred not to continue this relationship. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve the contract with Ruekert-Mielke as consultants on an hourly basis. Motion carried 5-0.

The Mapping Department's voucher lists was reviewed. Motion by Cassity, seconded by Sprecher to approve the 2002 list as presented. Motion carried, 5-0. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve the 2003 voucher list. Motion carried, 5-0.

The County Surveyor was not present.

Mr. Lance Gurney, Planning and Zoning Director, then appeared and stated that staff had been working on sanitary ordinance updates and a clustering ordinance. He said that meetings had been scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday this week and next week for public informational meetings on Chapter 25.

Mr. Dave Tremble, appeared regarding the purchase of development rights from Neil and Susan Dettwiler for the Baraboo Range Protection Program.. Mr. Tremble briefly explained that the land owner has a seasonal cabin, which he would eventually be removing, on the property. They had decided to retain the building rights on a small parcel. Mr. Tremble stated that this may cause a problem. Discussion followed regarding the Nature Conservancy, property taxes and the need to protect the forest. Mr. Cassity explained his idea of the "American Way", private property owners using good land stewardship. There was more discussion regarding the number of building sites that would be allowed. Putting restrictions on the parcel as far as structure size and number of houses was discussed. Mr. Gurney said these restrictions could be used, but they would also restrict the tax base. Mr. Sprecher wanted some input from the Town of Freedom. Motion by Cassity, seconded by Lehman to return this application to the Baraboo Range Commission for reconsideration with the conditions that the whole property be included in the purchase and comments from the town be obtained. Motion carried, 5-0.

Mr. Brian Simmert appeared next and gave a brief history of the First Addition to Glacier View Estates. He stated there were some concerns that had been taken care of such as erosion control, roads, retention pond and concerns about a gas easement on lot 5 and if a house could be built on lot 5. Mr. Gary Kowalke, developer, was now looking for approval of the final plat. The Town of Baraboo and City of Baraboo would also have to approve.

Mr. Gurney explained the easement requested by the Northern Gas Company across lot 5. The original easement on the preliminary plat was 50 feet wide, Northern Gas wanted a strip 75 feet wide and the final plat actually showed 95 feet. There was also the issue that a residence had already been constructed on one of the lots in the subdivision. He explained that citations were issued to Mr. Kowalke and when the home owner takes out the permit there will be triple fees for starting without permits. Mr. Kowalke had obtained a building permit from the Town of Baraboo. Ownership of a detention pond was discussed. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Lehman to approve the final plat of the First Addition to Glacier View Estates contingent on approval from both the Town of Baraboo and the City of Baraboo. Motion carried, 5-0.

Discussion followed on a rezoning request by the Ho-Chunk Nation in the Town of Dellona. The decision on this request was postponed at the last Committee meeting until the Department of Natural Resources had a chance to view the property. The intended DNR inspection did not take place. The Department of Natural Resources felt it would be more beneficial to onsite the property when the weather was better and vegetation type could be determined.

At this point, Mr. Gurney explained that the Committee had three courses of action, they could approve, table or reject. Mr. Robert Mann, representing the Ho-Chunk Nation, stated that the Town of Dellona had approved the outlot which would clear up the discrepancy of total acreage involved. Mr. Lehman stated that the Committee wanted to wait until the DNR made their review. Mr. Mann stated they contacted DNR and the DNR did not feel it was a big issue and would investigate further. Mr. Gurney reminded the Committee that rezoning the property does not give the owner a vested right to develop the property. When the development plan is developed and reviewed was the time for further investigation on the site.

Motion by Cassity, seconded by Lehman to approve the request, Petition # 2-2003, to rezone certain lands in the Town of Dellona from an Agriculture zoning district to a Single Family Residential zoning district by the Ho-Chunk Housing Authority. Motion carried, 5-0.

Brief discussion followed regarding a detention pond and the siting of a sand filter septic system.

The next Committee meeting is scheduled for February 24, 2003, please note the change of date.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Cassity to adjourn. Motion carried, 5-0. 10:50 A.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Judy Ashford, Secretary