Committee Members Present: Weise, Ashford, Cassity, Lehman, Sprecher.
Others Present: Lance Gurney, Ted Brenson, Gina Templin, Dave Tremble, Lowell Haugen, Matt Filus, Richard Grant and others.
Chairman Weise called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. And staff certified the meeting had been properly posted.
Motion by Cassity, seconded by Sprecher to adopt agenda as presented. Motion carried.
The committee then reviewed the minutes from the February 24, 2003 meeting. Motion by Sprecher, second by Cassity to adopt the minutes of the previous meeting as presented. Motion carried.
Mr. Gurney spoke of a thank you card received from Andrea Lombard in regards to attending the listening session.
Business Items:
Mr. Gurney presented ordinances to be signed by the committee on the rezoning hearings held at the last committee meeting, on which they voted on.
Mr. Ted Brenson, County Cartographer,
Departmental Updates:
The Register of Deeds Department was not represented.
Mr. Ted Brenson, County Cartographer, spoke of the grant that he has applied for in the amount of $91,322. Mr. Brenson stated he is quite confident that he will receive something from the grant and should know for sure by this summer.
Mr. Lehman asked about information relating to how the grant will be applied and the governor's proposal. Mr. Gurney explained the Governor's proposal.
Mr. Brenson also spoke of a new consultant, Rueker/Mielke, that has replaced Headwaters. He explained the role of the new consultant. He then spoke about county-wide GIS, and an assessment of GIS applications, software, etc., to be done by the consultant, which would be in the range of $1,500-$2,000. This analysis could provide information to assist the MIS Department and even the possibility of the Mapping Department not needing to hire an additional staff in the future.
Mr. Brenson then spoke of the Trimbel Hand Held GPS Unit. He then provided the committee with a hand out of information on a hand held unit. Mr. Matt Filus spoke of the details, functionality and prices of the unit, which retail price would be around $6,000.
The committee then discussed the present units and comparison of new technology.
Mr. Cassity asked about staking and relation to the GPS unit. Mr. Filus explained.
Mr. Gurney explained to the committee what the Planning and Zoning Department would use a GPS unit for, the functionality and the benefit of the availability of such unit for the Department. He gave examples of use such as the quarry and fire number projects.
Mr. Cassity suggested trading in the existing GPS unit and purchasing two of the new units. Mr. Filus stated that the used value of the existing unit exceeds the purchase price amount of the new unit.
Mr. Sprecher suggested purchasing the new unit and after the staff has agreed that this unit will best fit their needs, to then trade in the existing GPS unit for a duplicate new unit. He also suggested that the trade in value now could drop rapidly in the future.
The Committee suggested that they try the unit out and then also provide some bids and trade in value figures.
Mr. Brenson then provided vouchers for the Mapping Department in the amount of $9,464.12. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Cassity, to approve the vouchers as presented. Mr. Brenson then explained to the committee what the Arcview 8 software is. Motion carried.
Mr. Matt Filus, County Surveyor, spoke about current projects, such as Troy remonumentation. The committee asked about errors to be fixed by the contractors. Mr. Filus explained.
Mr. Gurney asked how this information will be shared with the surveyors. Mr. Filus explained that the information will be filed with the tie sheets. He also explained that everyone got a copy of the RFP before the project was started. He also stated the information could be put on the Surveyor's webpage.
Mr. Sprecher asked about feedback from the webpage. Mr. Filus stated that most users are other governmental agencies. He also explained a more intense update of the website to include more information.
Mr. Gurney asked about the number of surveys that will need corrections and who would correct them. Mr. Filus stated that a notification from him to the private surveyor would be the first step. He stated that by the next meeting, he should have information to provide to the committee on this project.
Mr. Filus then spoke of future projects, which are RFPs for Bear Creek and Washington, and corner maintenance, as well as the clerks letter that he puts out each spring in regards to notification of construction projects.
Mr. Filus also spoke of WSLS/WCSA - Diggers Hotline participation, and Height Modernization Program, background information and benefits for the county, as well as an outreach informational meeting on March 24th @9:00 a.m., B24 WSB.
Mr. Gurney asked about future photography and database information related to the Height Modernization Program. Mr. Filus explained.
Mr. Cassity asked about the 3D map and whether this information will tie into this. Mr. Filus stated it would and explained.
Mr. Gurney spoke of BAAP and that he doesn't have any update at this point and his intent to speak to Mr. Liebman about requiring updates from GSA. Cassity asked about the agreement. Mr. Gurney explained the difference between the agreement and the package presented solely by the DNR.
Mr. Gurney then spoke of the annual report and the departments year end budget.
Mr. Gurney discussed the comprehensive planning initiative in the county. He stated that the county would like to interview and pre-qualify consultants for Towns to use, which would be interviewed by community members that they choose to serve on the interview committee. He also stated that there are 8 communities that are interested in have the County assist in preparing their plan and explained the timeline.
Ms. Ashford asked about updates. Mr. Gurney explained that information would be sent to them in the mail.
Mr. Cassity asked who the two towns would be for this year. Mr. Gurney explained it would be Honey Creek and Reedsburg.
Mr. Sprecher asked how the 8 towns were selected. Mr. Gurney stated they were drawn from a hat.
Mr. Gurney then spoke about Chapter 25 (Private Sewage System Ordinance).
Mr. Dave Tremble then provided the committee with an update on the meeting with the Chair's Advisory Committee in relation to the Sauk County Preservation Program. He also spoke of the editorial in the Baraboo paper and again reminded the committee that the program is completely voluntary. He also explained that they would like to work with the local towns while doing their comprehensive plans and allowing property owners that would be interested in the program, they can look into that.
Mr. Gurney then reviewed some points from the Sumpter Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Tremble explained that there are several options to protect resources and manage growth. He then spoke of the long term impacts and a question on the tax base, as easement protected property have been holding their tax base. He then presented a FAQ packet of information.
Mr. Sprecher asked about Dane County and their PDR program. Mr. Tremble stated initially it was slow, but they are now taking applications for the program. Sprecher also stated that there is a different county board now and opinions have changed.
Mr. Gurney then reviewed opinions of discussing the issue at the meeting today or on another agenda to have a discussion on the draft plan, community, and where the county board is on the issue.
Mr. Tremble stated that a roundtable discussion with as many county board members that want to participate as well as members from the community would be a good idea. He also stated that they need to review the options to protect farmland.
Mr. Sprecher also stated they need information showing the value of land before and after the PDR on the property to show whether there is harm to the tax base.
Mr. Gurney then explained the funding of the project, current and future.
Mr. Ashford stated that she feels the program is geared more towards those farmers that have owned farmland for years and to protect that high quality farmland.
The committee then discussed the value of farmland versus developable land.
Ms. Ashford asked Lehman and Cassity how they suggest to protect farmland.
Discussion followed on how the assessed value is given and the free market. Mr. Cassity stated in the end you can not help the farmer preserving his land because he can't afford to purchase land anyway, by farming.
Mr. Tremble spoke of the acreage between what could be protected versus what would be left for development.
Mr. Cassity then stated again that the free market with decide the price of the land. He also stated that most valuable farmland currently has a village or city built on it. He stated that when those communities want to do downtown renewal, they should bulldoze all the old buildings and turn that land back into productive farmland.
Mr. Tremble explained how the PDR program benefited people that have already gone through the program.
Mr. Cassity stated that if you are a farmer, it is in your DNA, has nothing to do with your economic status in the world. He doesn't farm for money, he farms because that is what he does. His children don't show the same interest.
Mr. Tremble stated that the PDR program is just one other option. Its not for everyone, but it is their option at whether or not they want to participate.
Mr. Cassity stated that he doesn't support using governments to use their authority to tax and taking that tax dollar to buy your development rights back, where you continue to have to pay taxes on that land. Now you have land that you can't do anything but farm on that land, where you can't make any money on it.
Ms. Ashford stated that how she understands it is that if you sell your development rights so that the land stays as farmland and is assessed at use value now, as a farm, and assessed after the developments rights are still purchased, you are still assessed as a farm.
Mr. Tremble asked what format to carry on this discussion.
Mr. Weise suggested to put the Protection Program on the next agenda.
Mr. Weise asked if development rights can be purchased back? Mr. Tremble stated there are buy back provisions in some of the programs.
Mr. Wiese stated that if it is voluntary, and those that want to go into it, they can do so, those that don't, don't have to.
Mr. Cassity stated that he feels tax dollars shouldn't be used for this program. Private money should be used.
Mr. Gurney then corrected the date and time for the DOT meeting that Mr. Filus spoke about. It is on March 26th, not the 24th.
Mr. Gurney spoke of the Chapter 25 and the Chair's Advisory meeting and is looking for some direction from the committee.
Mr. Dick Grant was allowed to address the committee on Chapter 25, s.25.19 and 25.13(6). He asked the committee to visualize someone pulling multiple camping trailers and putting commercials toilets in that unit for 15 days.
Mr. Gurney explained those sections. Mr. Grant stated that people will come into the township with modern camping units that have portable systems on board and will find a road somewhere and will dump it out.
Mr. Gurney explained that people who own lots on Redstone that can't camp on it, but use the lots occasionally, they will have a portable toilet, versus using the lawn, weeds, etc.
Mr. Weise stated that if they are dumping, that is illegal to start with.
Ms. Ashford asked if there is camping allowed outside of a campground. Mr. Gurney stated there was.
The committee discussed. A revision to Section 25. 19 was suggested by Mr. Gurney.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Cassity, to approve Chapter 25 with the corrections/changes as discussed in regard to s.25.19, as well as the changes on the handout provided to the committee, gathered from previous public meetings., for a total of 10 changes. Motion carried.
Mr. Wiese stated that this ordinance went by the county committee as discussed pretty easily. No one had any questions and felt they could agree with it.
Mr. Gurney asked if the format with the changes acceptable to provide to the county board, in addition to the ordinance. He also asked if it is the committee's intent to have an hour and a half discussion prior to the voting by the county board. The committee all suggested that they do not want a long discussion before the voting.
They also discussed having a committee member make a statement at the county board or just have staff at the podium.
Ms. Ashford stated that the majority of the county board was at the Chairs meeting, and seemed to be ok with the ordinance, how much discussion needs to be done.
Ms. Ashford stated that she would present the ordinance with Mr. Gurney at the county board meeting.
Ms. Ashford also stated that if there is ever a Chair meeting, and if Virgil Hartje or anyone else personally attacks a staff, the county board chair or some other member put a stop to that. It is completely uncalled for.
The Committee then discussed the Baraboo Range Protection Program PDR for Dettwiler. Mr. Tremble gave background info and history of the property.
Mr. Cassity asked if you could question the assessment.
Ms. Ashford spoke of the steps the Baraboo Range Commission views property appraisals. She also spoke on the selection of appraisers.
Motion by Sprecher seconded by Ashord, for approval of the purchase of development rights for Dettwiler. Motion carried, 3-2, with Cassity and Lehman in opposition.
The committee then reviewed the invoice from Vandewalle & Associates, in the amount of $20,986.13. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford, to approve the invoice. Motion carried.
The committee discussed 2 Planning & Zoning staff members to attend the WCCA Spring Conference. Motion by Cassity, seconded by Ashford, to approve 2 staff members to attend the WCCA Conference. Motion carried.
The next meeting is scheduled for March 25, 2003. Motion to adjourn by Cassity, seconded by Ashford. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary