Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee

DATE: April 22, 2003

Committee Members Present: Weise, Ashford, Cassity, Sprecher.

Others Present: Lance Gurney, Mary White, Lowell Haugen, Jack Roloff, Brian Simmert, A. Lombard, and others.

Chairman Weise called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and staff certified the meeting had been properly posted.

Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Cassity to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Motion by Cassity, second by Ashford to adopt the minutes of the April 14, 2003 meeting as presented. Motion carried.

Communications: None

Business items: None.

The Committee reviewed vouchers from the Register of Deeds Office. . Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve the vouchers in the amount of $2,791.49. Motion carried.

Mr. Gurney gave a very brief monthly report. He informed the Committee that a meeting has been scheduled with area septic tank pumpers for April 30, 2003 regarding the maintenance of holding tanks. A new triplicate form will be drafted. The pumper is to complete a form for every tank they pump. After 6 months, owners of tanks not pumped will get a letter from the department advising them to pump.

The Comprehensive planning grant approval was discussed. A contract had been signed by the Village of Prairie du Sac. The purchase of a spatial analysis program to process information, specifically topography was also discussed. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to purchase the program with money already budgeted in the 2003 Land Records Budget. Motion carried.

Mr. Jack Roloff, MSA, appeared as agent for Alfred Deyo regarding a submittal of a Class I subdivision plat. This plat contains 5 lots and totals 66 acres in the Town of Excelsior. Discussion followed regarding roadway easements. The Town of Excelsior has approved the plat. The property is zoned RC-5 and rezoning is not required for a Class 1 subdivision. The larger lots were discussed and whether the owner had any intentions of further divisions. Mr. Roloff stated they did not at this time.

Motion by Cassity to approve the final plat as submitted by Alfred Deyo with the following two conditions. 1. Allowing a waiver of the requirements per Section 22.61 of the Sauk County Code of Ordinances to show the lots to the center of the roadway due to the fact that the road is already considered a town road and out of recognition of a conflict between county and state laws. The second requirement is that prior to department approval the office review and approve documents that would transfer 33 feet of the road to each abutting property owner. Motion seconded by Ashford. Motion carried.

Mr. Gurney also requested that the wording of these transfer documents include the words "combining and inseparable" to prevent the lots from being sold without the road easement.

The Committee then convened to public hearing at 9:40 A.M.

The first petition to be heard was petition # 9-2003 to rezone certain lands in the Town of Excelsior, from a Resource Conservancy-5 zoning district to a Commercial zoning district by Carl Mundth, agent for Hubert and Margaret Mundth. The purpose of the request is to relocate an existing retail cabinetry business to include a showroom area, woodworking shop, warehousing and loading dock. The land affected by the proposed rezone is located in Section 7, T12N, R5E in the Town of Excelsior.

Mr. Brian Simmert, Planning and Zoning Office, gave the staff report.

Mr. Carl Mundth of Classic Cabinetry appeared and explained the request. He stated that the present location was limited on space which made this request necessary. He met with the Town of Excelsior and the DOT looked at the access. The Department of Transportation would consider a shared access. The Reedsburg ET area was discussed and the present boundary on Golf Course Road. Mr. Mundth stated that an existing residential access could be widened to allow for commercial access. The current owner of the access does not have a problem with that.

Mr. Cassity stated that the town was recommending that commercial development be done in this area. The only drawbacks on this location was that there were some residences involved and Copper Creek runs through the area.

Seeing that no one else wished to speak, the Chairman closed the public portion of the hearing.

Mr. Wiese stated that other property in this area had already been rezoned and is adjacent to this parcel. The Town of Excelsior has approved the rezoning and the City of Reedsburg ET will soon have jurisdiction of this parcel and plans for the area to be commercial. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Cassity to approve the rezoning from a Resource Conservancy-5 zoning district to a Commercial zoning district. Motion carried.

The second hearing was Petition #10-2003 regarding a request to rezone certain lands in the Town of Spring Green, from a Resource Conservancy-35 zoning district to an Agriculture zoning district by Gerald and Margaret Sprecher. The purpose of the request is to establish a new 5 year mineral extraction operation/site. The land affected by the proposed rezone is located in Section 4, T8N, R3E in the Town of Spring Green.

Mr. Brian Simmert, Planning and Zoning Department, gave the staff report.

Mr. Wiese questioned whether or not the land would revert to the original zoning district in case it changed hands. Mr. Simmert stated that it would.

Ms. Margaret Sprecher, land owner and petitioner appeared. She briefly explained what was being proposed for the property. She stated that there would be constant reclamation. As soon as sand was removed, the area would be seeded down.

Mr. Wiese asked if the sand is being sold and Ms. Sprecher stated that it was.

Seeing no one else wished to speak the public portion of the hearing was closed.

It was noted that the town had not made a decision on this request. Mr. Gurney stated that the Committee could not approve the petition if the town denied it. Therefore, a motion was made by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to postpone a decision until the May 12 Committee meeting. Motion carried.

The Committee then returned to regular session.

Mr. Gurney briefly discussed the department annual report. The number of permits and ag. zoning certificates were discussed. The status of the Wisconsin Fund was also reviewed. Mr. Sprecher complimented Mr. Gurney on the good report.

Mr. Cassity was concerned about the amount of time expended on such reports.

Budget concerns were briefly discussed.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Cassity to approve the annual report as presented. Motion carried.

The Baraboo Range Program annual report was then reviewed. Appraisal procedures were discussed. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve the Baraboo Range annual report. Motion carried.

The Planning and Zoning Office vouchers were reviewed. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve the department voucher list in the amount of $6,464.53. Motion carried.

Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Cassity to adjourn. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary