Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee

DATE: June 9, 2003

Committee Members Present: Weise, Ashford, Cassity, Sprecher and Lehman.

Others Present: Lance Gurney, Mary White, Lowell Haugen, Ted Brenson, and Dick Grant.

Chairman Weise called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. and staff certified the meeting had been properly posted.

Motion by Cassity, seconded by Ashford to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Cassity to adopt the minutes of the May 27, 2003 meeting as presented. Motion carried.

Communications: Mr. Lehman initiated discussion regarding the Farmland Preservation Program and the lowering of woodland tax credits. The number of department staff was also briefly discussed.

Business items. The Committee signed a resolution to approve the Town of Franklin Comprehensive plan. This plan was approved by the Committee at the May 27, 2003 public hearing.

Mr. Lehman also stated that he had been contacted by the Giebels that reside on Highway 33 regarding their concern with a slope in Hunter's Glen subdivision that creates run off into one of their fields. Mr. Gurney said that drainage had been specifically looked at to prevent any problems.

Departmental updates:

The Register of Deeds was not in attendance.

Mr. Ted Brenson, County Cartographer, then appeared. He stated that the Town of Spring Green and City of Wisconsin Dells was complete and the Town of Delton was almost done. Mapping software was discussed and the possible need for another staff person in the Mapping Department.

Benefits of a 4-foot Digital Terrain Model were discussed. Mr. Gurney stated that this could be used for subdivision review. How this relates to comprehensive planning was also discussed. Mr. Brenson stated that he had not submitted a request for proposal and was just looking for Committee input. Mr. Cassity asked how much it would cost to just get what we need, when we needed it. Mr. Lehman asked if as-builts were required for subdivisions. Mr. Gurney stated that digital plans would be requested. Mr. Brenson will send out requests for proposals listing the options and products the County needs. There was further discussion regarding 2 foot contours and their uses.

Mr. Brenson then submitted his voucher list for approval. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Cassity to approve the Mapping Department's vouchers in the amount of $2,533.04. Motion carried.

The County Surveyor was not present.

Mr. Gurney then distributed copies of the tower siting ordinance amendments. The wording was reviewed and Mr. Gurney stated it was consistent with what surrounding counties were using. Rural residential clusters, the siting of towers and the impact on property values were discussed. This item will be going to public hearing in June.

Mr. Jeff Theiding then appeared regarding non-metallic mining. Mr. Theiding stated that the contractors needed to get to the waste material easily and quickly and Mr. Gurney stated there was a need for better lines of communications. Mr. Theiding felt this was an opportunity to address any existing problems. The reasons for some of the restrictions were discussed. Non-metallic mining and zoning provisions were discussed as well as farmland preservation and zoning amendments.

The Vandewalle Highway 12 billing was reviewed. The plan will be forwarded to communities along the corridor and in July or August the plan will be brought back for a hearing and final action should take place in September. Mr. Cassity questioned whether the Planning and Zoning Committee or the Highway 12 advisory committee would take it to the Board. 10 communities must review and approve or disapprove the plan before the public hearing. Motion by Cassity, seconded by Ashford to approve the payment of $14,824.03. Motion carried.

Discussion followed on a resolution approving the purchase of development rights for the Loren and Sharon Cunningham property. Mr. Sprecher questioned the fact that the property appeared to be landlocked. Mr. Gurney explained that there was an easement for access. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve the purchase of development rights for the Cunningham property. Motion carried, 3-2, with Lehman and Cassity in opposition.

The sign ordinance was then discussed. The primary intent of the amendment was to get rid of the renewal process and to ensure proper maintenance. Motion by Lehman, seconded by Sprecher to direct the Department to suspend the renewal process in lieu of the pending ordinance amendments. Motion carried. This ordinance would go to public hearing in July.

Motion by Wiese, seconded by Cassity to adjourn. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted :Judy Ashford, Secretary